Snogged Senseless

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Alula pov-

I could tell Harry was pissed.

He kept sending me looks at dinner; I hated the way his eyes bore into me with such hurt I almost felt like my soul was being ripped from me.

I quickly go up to leave as soon as the plates where cleared.

However before I knew it Harry had me in the very same lounge I had cornered him in last week.

"I don't know what your playing at but it's diving me crazy" I looked up to see Harry's face inches from mine as he pinned me against the wall.
"You've been avoiding me for the best part of a week and I'm sick of it" I could hear the defeat in his voice and it warmed my heart at the fact he missed me.

"I..." I but my lip, trying to think of something to say.
I glanced down at his teasing lips.
I usually avoided looking at them, knowing I would loose control. They where a light pink and unlike most boys my age, they weren't chapped, they where soft and plump and inviting.

Without so much as a conscious thought I had leaned up and captured his lips with mine.

I felt him tense at first, clearly caught by surprise before he was kissing back, the way his mouth moulded with mine, the way he would nip at my bottom lip caused me to gasp and moan into his mouth, my hands wound themselves in his black locks as I struggled to keep my legs from falling out from under me. I felt his lips curve into a smirk before he swiped his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

I could tell he had experience as his tongue began making its way around my mouth.
His movement where always teasing, leaving me unsatisfied, needing to beg for more.
I could tell he loved the way my mouth always sought out his, hoping for some release. But...I didn't care. My mind was a haze of pleasure as I let myself be snogged senseless by the man I loved.

Suddenly I heard a startled gasp from the doorway causing us to violently break apart.


Who do you think is at the door?

Please review...helps

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