Chapter 2

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I got home and plopped in bed with a loud sigh.
My parents weren't home as yet. I was happy they weren't. They are gonna question me about my day, and I wasn't ready to say how it was. I wanted to unwind so I can lie and say it was ok.
I rose up and head to the shower. I spent quite a few minutes in the shower as the warm water rolled off my back. It felt refreshing and like the world had disappeared. I got out and pulled on a grey onesie. I pulled my hair into a bun and started on my homework.

 I pulled my hair into a bun and started on my homework

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After a few minutes my dad's car pulled up.
𝙺𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚔, 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚔
I heard my parents knock on the door.
"Come in," I shouted and they entered my room.
"Hey sweetie," my parents chorused. They seemed suspicious. They had something behind their back.
"Hi..." I answered in a questionable tone.
"So... your mom and I know how hard you have been working at school. We believe you have grown to be a very responsible young lady. So we got you a gift," my dad said revealing a yellow gift bag.
"Wait really," I said excited, springing to my feet. They handed me the bag and I quickly opened and took the tissue paper out. It revealed a iPhone box. I looked up at them in shock.
"You're joking," I said still in shock.
"No we're not. You really deserve it, but if your grades drop the phone goes," mom said as dad put his arms around her. I squealed and ran to them and embraced them.
"Thank you! Thank you!" I shouted. My parents left me and in squealed and finish opening the bag. After a few minutes the phone was all set and ready. They even got me a case and a screen protector.

I was super excited

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I was super excited. I spent most of the night downloading apps and setting them up. I downloaded Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat.

The morning came quickly and I excitedly jumped from my bed and to the bathroom. I was excited to reach school for one reason only. To show my friends I finally have a phone.
I entered my closet to search for an outfit as I didn't look for any last night.

I pulled on a black shirt, a leopard print pants and black pants.

I grabbed my things and head downstairs

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I grabbed my things and head downstairs. I ate breakfast and hurried to the bus.

"Sharon!!!" I called out reaching near her.
"Hey K," she answered. "You're in a good mood."
"Yes!!!" I squealed and whipped the phone out. She screamed as she saw it.
"Shut up. They bought you a phone?" She asked as she inspected it still not believing it's real.
"Yes!! I'm seriously still shocked," I answered.
"What's causing all this excitement?" Davian asked throwing his arms around us.
"K has a phone. K has a phone D," she said shoving it in his face. His expressions moved to a shocked look.
"Lie!" He said grabbing it.
"No lie. They gave it to me last night because I'm smart," I said proudly.
"We'll look at you. All growing up," Davian teased as he handed the phone back to me.
"Shut up," I said.
"We'll just make sure you follow me oh and let me be the first to add my number," he said grabbing the phone again.
"Hey no fair. Me first," Sharon said trying to get the phone from him, but he blocked her with his arm.
"I was her best friend first," Davian said then began typing. I stood shaking my head t their childish behavior. After they added their numbers we headed to class.

The day was over before I knew it.
"K! How about you take a photo and post it on insta. You could tag D and I in it, we'll get you some likes," Sharon said as we walked to pack up our books.
"I don't know Shar. I really just wanted to see what it looks like. Wasn't really planning on posting," I answered.
"Oh come on. You have on a pretty cute outfit. Let's go take some pics. Pleaseeee," she said pouting.
"Aaaaaaahhhh! Fine," I gave in and we walked up to the clothing room and took mirror selfies.
"Great. Just post that one and tag us. I'm so excited for you," Sharon said as we looked at the photos while walking to the front of the school.
"K why are you still here?" Davian said as we got to him.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"The bus just left," he said pointing up the road.
"WHAT!? I missed the bus. I'm dead," I said worried.
"Just tell them you missed the bus K. No big deal," Sharon suggested.
"No big deal. Sharon I miss the bus the same day I get a phone, what does that spell to you?" I shouted.
"I don't..." she started but Davian cut her off.
"You know I could pass the bus if we had left. Plus your parents aren't even home yet," Davian replied.
"True," I said and hoped into the back seat of his car.

As we drove Davian played music and we sang and danced. I thought to myself. 'Is this the kind of fun I miss each day riding on the bus.'
"So K? Does this mean you can go out with us and stuff?" Sharon asked.
"Sharon!" Davian quickly said.
"What? I'm just asking," Sharon replied and Davian shamed his head and payed attention to the road.
"Ahhh. I don't know. I'd have to ask. Why is there something happening?" I said.
"Well, we could go to the movies Saturday. Us friends," she said.
"I'm gonna ask. I'll let you know," I answered knowing damn well what my parents' answer would be.

I arrived at home, and as suspected my parents weren't home. I waved my friends goodbye and went inside.

After settling in I sat in the porch overlooking the lake and gathered my post and sent it off. Surprisingly, I did get likes and quite a few followers. It may not have been much for some persons but to me, it was.

 It may not have been much for some persons but to me, it was

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I sat reading the comments and following back some persons.
"K?" I heard my dad's voice say. I jumped as I didn't hear the car pull up.
"Dad you're home," I said standing to face him.
"Yes. I hope your home work is done," dad said. It was then I remembered I hadn't started my homework. I was so distracted with the phone I totally forgot.
"I'm about to do it now," I said and bolted up the stairs. I immediately started on it.

Later that night I got a message. I opened the message and it read:

 I opened the message and it read:

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I kept reading the message. The only persons with my number was Davian and Sharon. I know one of them must be pranking me so I ignored.

𝙸𝚜 𝚒𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚏𝚏 𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚛? 𝚘𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚒t 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎?

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