Chapter 21

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It's graduation day.
I walked into the auditorium as the line processed in. I looked around at the many smiling faces that starred at us. My heart was overjoyed as I thought about this being my last official day of high school.

"Kiara Morgan," my principal called and I hurriedly walked onto the stage and shook his hands then collected my certificate.
I smiled as I looked to the cameras. I looked over to where my parents were and they were smiling from ear to ear.
After an hour of calling names, handing out awards and many speeches, the ceremony was finished. We marched out and everyone started greeting their parents. I made my way over to my parents and extended family.
"Congratulations Kiara, so proud of you," they said as they hugged me and we took pictures. I stood there as they spoke.
"K," I heard Davian's voice say and I quickly walked to him.

"Thanks," I said as I breathed a breathe of relief.
"It's that bad," he said with a laugh.
"It's just annoying," I said. He smiled and hugged me.
"I need pictures," he said and he gestured for his mom to take it. After taking pictures with my two best friends, my family and I went for dinner.

It's the day of prom. I had planned not to go after finding out about Sharon and Drake, but since my extended family have been here since graduation day, I just wanted some time away.
I rose early and started on the preparation. One of my cousin offered to help me get ready. My hair and nails were already done for graduation so I just needed makeup and to get dressed.

My hair was done in a half up- half down style, which is curled.

My nails were medium length and white and some clear with stars

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My nails were medium length and white and some clear with stars.

My cousin was good at doing makeup

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My cousin was good at doing makeup. She was a girly girl. She decided to do a natural look. It had a peach and gold look.

I looked in the mirror shocked

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I looked in the mirror shocked. I've never had my makeup done like this.
I pulled on my dress, which was a green high low dress and a pair of laced up heels. I didn't like my dress, but since my dad's money was paying for it, he had the final say. I had no choice.

If was finally time to leave and I walked down and my parents smiled

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If was finally time to leave and I walked down and my parents smiled.
"You look beautiful," they said.
I forced a smile and said, "thanks."

I arrived at school after my dad dropped me off. I walked into the auditorium. The crowd was thick and I could feel eyes piercing through me. I held my head down and made my way to one side.
"Girl!!!! I love the look," Sharon shouted above the music as she joined me and Drake followed close behind.
"Thanks. You look amazing," I said as I looked at her perfectly done makeup and her long, skin tight red dress.
"Thanks," she said.
"Babe you wanna dance," Drake asked her. She turned to me.
"Don't worry about me. Go on," I said and in seconds they disappeared. I looked on the dance floor. It was filled with couples dancing. I looked around the auditorium and the others who stood at the sides were also coupled up or with their best friends.
I sighed and walked out of the auditorium and started to walk around. I made my way downstairs and found a room.
I looked around. The room had a desk and bookshelves as if it was someone's office.
"You didn't knock," I heard Mr. Hill's voice said.
I jumped.
"You startled me," I said as I looked at him while holding my chest.
He laughed. "My bad."
"Sorry. I was just walking around," I explained.
"That's ok," he said and walked towards me. "So why aren't you upstairs?"
"No date. Friends are busy," I said.
"Ohhh. I see," he said as he sat in a couch. He slapped the couch and I walked over and sat beside him.
"So what are you doing here?" I asked trying to make conversation.
"I'm supposed to be the chaperone," he responded.
"I see," I replied. At this point he was really close to me. He leaned in. I got scared for a minute but decide to lean in and kiss him.

We sat there making out for a while

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We sat there making out for a while. He held my waist and squeezed it as I cupped his face. It felt really good kissing again. His kisses left my lips and went to my neck.
I took up my phone without disturbing him.
Davian: Where you at? We're gonna grab food before heading home.
"Mr. Hill," I said.
"Mhhhhmm?" He replied not leaving my neck.
"My ride is ready," I said.
"I'll take you home," he said between the kisses he was planting on my neck. His hot breath on my skin caused me to morn.
"Ok," I answered.
I texted Davian back. He wasn't ok with that, but I just ignored his texts.
He started to kiss my lips again and pushed me to the couch so he was laying on top of me.

He lifted my dress and pushed his hands up my thigh

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He lifted my dress and pushed his hands up my thigh.
I flinched.
"Mr. Hill?" I said.
"Call me Carter," he said as he looked at me.
"Carter. I'm not sure if I want to do this now," I answered.
"Why not?" He asked as he continued to kiss me.
"What the fu**!" I heard and Carter jumped from over me. We looked to the door. Davian was standing at the door very mad.
"Get your things," he said.
"You're not my father," I said.
He look at me then laughed and shook his head.
"You're right," he said and turned and left.
"Davian wait," I said and grabbed my bag and ran after him. He just kept walking. He got to the front and I realize he was there alone.
"Where's your girlfriend?" I asked. He spun around to face me.
"She broke up with me. You wanna know why? I'll tell you why. Because I was stupid enough to come look for a girl I thought was my best friend and she got jealous but I didn't care, because you mean much more to me. Guess I was wrong," he angrily explained. My eyes started to water.
"I'm sorry," I said as the tears fell.
"Whatever. Get in the car," he said and just walked away.

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