Chapter 32

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It's been months since I was engaged to Davian.
We even visited our parents and gave them the news. At first my dad wasn't happy with me. He thought I had lied to him all these years of Davian just being my best friend, but after explaining he understood.
My parents even thanked him for caring for me all these years. Keeping me on track and just being there for me. They were happy with me.
My parents even apologized for babying me all these years. They were actually proud that even through all I did I graduated and got a job without getting pregnant. They definitely expected that to be me.

Over the past 6 months Davian has managed to open three more branches of his business and I was promoted to CEO. I was more the boss of him than he was of me. Everything I said pretty much goes.

Sharon and her boyfriend did get married. She opened her fashion line two months ago and it has been blooming. I pretty much buy all my clothes from her now.

I rose up early Friday morning and looked over. No Davian. I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and walked to the bathroom. After freshening up I made my way to the kitchen. No Davian. I sighed loudly and head to his home office. That was exactly where he was.
"Do you ever stop working?" I asked as I entered. He looked up at me and grinned. He stood and walked over to me.
"Of course I do," he said as his hands gripped my waist and pulled me to him.
"What do you want for breakfast," I asked.
He looked down at me and smirked. "You."
I blushed from his words.
"I'm serious. What do you want?" I asked again still blushing. I felt him lift me and placed me on his desk.
"I'm serious too," he whispered in my ear. He lowered his lips to mine and kissed me passionately.
His kisses went to my neck. He sucked on them as I moaned.
"You really love neck kisses," he whispered.
"Yeah," I replied between moans. I felt his hands between my thighs.
"Sh**!!" I screamed as I get him thrust into me with no warning. I was going crazy. No condom. Just bare. He had to hold me up because i definitely got weak.

"You ok?" He whispered as he thrust slowly

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"You ok?" He whispered as he thrust slowly.
"Mhmm," I moaned. I couldn't talk. Pleasure was rocking my body. He continued slowly for a while then sped up. That's when I felt like I was going crazy. I dug my nails so deep in his back I know it'll leave a mark later. He was grunting and pounding me.
"Ahhhh!" I screamed as my eyes rolled back from the pleasure. I couldn't hold it back anymore. My orgasm was strong. I was shaking, but he wasn't slowing down. He got faster. He stopped and took me from the table and turned me around. He pushed me head to the table causing my butt to stick out. He entered me again.
"You like that baby!" He grunted as he slapped my butt while pounding me.
"Ahhh! Yes! Yes!" I screamed as I felt another orgasm approaching. I felt his thrust get slower and deeper. Next think I know I was shaking again. I banged the table trying to find something to grip.
He pulled out and pulled me up.
He looked at me and smiled as stood there breathless. He kissed me.
"Thanks for breakfast," he said. I laughed.
"Anytime," I said as I kissed him back.

I walked upstairs (barely), showered and pulled on one of Davian t-shirts I had stole. I walked downstairs and to the kitchen and started cooking. Davian arrived soon after.
"That's my shirt," he said as he hugged me from behind.
"So," I sassed.
"It's like you want a repeat of earlier," he said squeezing me. I just giggled.

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