Chapter 16

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I woke up the next morning still trying to decide if I should tell Sharon what happened between Drake and I.
"Why am I thinking about this?" I asked myself. I grabbed my phone to call Sharon. This is something I definitely cannot say that in a text.
"Kiara. Time to get up. Breakfast time," my mom called. I sighed and rushed to the bathroom, showered and pulled on a black jeans pants and a turquoise tank top that ties in the front and matching sneakers.

I ran upstairs and ate breakfast listening to my family talk

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I ran upstairs and ate breakfast listening to my family talk. Everything they said was boring. A after I ate I excused myself and went to call Sharon.

Sharon: Hey girlie
Kiara: Hey
Sharon: I don't like the sound of that Hey. What's wrong?
Kiara: I have something to tell you.
Sharon: K what happened? Are you pregnant? Did someone die?
Kiara: No, no. It's ahmmm.
Sharon: K just spit it out already.
Kiara: Drake kissed me.

Silence filled the conversation.

Kiara: Sharon? Are you there?
Sharon: Yeah I'm here. It's ok.
Kiara: No it's not ok. I'm really sorry. He's a jerk.
Sharon: Yeah I know. I'm not gonna break up with him now though. I wanna do it in person.
Kiara: ok.

I hung up. I know she's hurting, but I know she'd never admit that.
"Hi," a guy said and I spun around. I was face to face with a stunning light complexioned, grey eyed, light brown hair, lightly muscular, 5'4" guy.

"Hi," I managed to say

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"Hi," I managed to say. I was definitely crushing.
"You're Mrs. Graham's grand-daughter?" He asked.
"Yes," I answered still struck by his gorgeousness.
"I'm Tony. I'm Pastor Knight's son," he said. It was then it hit me.
"Wait, Tony as in chubby tony?" I asked. Realizing what I said I followed up by saying, "That came out wrong."
He laughed.
"That's fine. I get that a lot from people who haven't seen me in a while," he assured me.
"Nice to see you again," I said still embarrassed at what I said. I've know Tony since we were kids. He was a chubby little boy and pretty much a nerd. Now he's...welllll Hot!!!
"You too. Kiara right?" He said extending his hand.
I stretched my hands and took his.
"Yes I'm Kiara. How have things been?" I asked.
"Well I've grown as everyone keeps telling me. Will be going onto final year after summer. I've been doing a lot of sports too," he said. I listened keenly. "How about you?"
"Well also going into final year. Just been hating my summer so far," I answered.
"Come on it can't be that bad," he said.
"Yeah it is. She dragged me here away from my friends," I explained.
"Probably that's a good thing," he said with a smirk. I smiled at him.
"What you're that kind a guy now?" I asked him in a flirty look.
He laughed. "Not at all. I—- am," he started nervously. "I've kinda liked you since those times."
I looked at him with widened eyes.
"You don't have to like me back. I was just telling you," he confirmed.
"I think you're a great guy. Tell you the truth I've never really thought of you like that. But, I'm willing to get to know you," I answered.
"Oh ok," he answered with a smile.

We stood there for quite a few minutes talking. Just catching up. Then we were called to dinner. His family had dinner with ours. His house is about two houses away.

After dinner we said our goodbyes and I went to bed.

The next morning I was up early and ready in a white low turtle neck blouse and thigh length jeans skirt and a pair of white sneakers.

Tony had invited me to come with him to VBS and my mom was happy to send me

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Tony had invited me to come with him to VBS and my mom was happy to send me. She feels it'll be good for me.

I ran upstairs and ate breakfast. At 8:30 I was out the house and heading to the church with Tony.

The day went by with us in classes, doing different activities and crafts.
Afterwards we went home and decided to meet on the beach.
I pulled on a bright blue 2-piece suit that curved my figure and made my butt pop.

I stepped from the room quietly trying to dodge my mom

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I stepped from the room quietly trying to dodge my mom.
"Kiara!" She shouted. I rolled my eyes and spun around.
"Mom?" I answered with my hands crossed. She looked at me and crossed her hands as well. "It's a swimsuit mom."
"Fine," she said and gestures for me to go.

I walked down to the beach and found Tony waiting by a bench.
"Hey," I said as I reached him.
"He-eeeyy," he replied looking up at me. He nervously ran his hand through his hair as he stood to his feet.
"You like?" I asked.
"Yeah. You're ahmmm. You look nice," he said finally looking in my eyes.
"Let's swim," I said and bounced towards me the water. I made sure my ass was bouncing.

We swam around for a few minutes, splashing and laughing, just pure fun.
"You seem nervous," I commented.
"Ahhh not really," he answered.
"Are you a...?" I started to ask.
"No I'm not a virgin," he interrupted. "People always assume that."
"You're jittery that's why," I explained.
"I'm nervous around hot girls," he said. I smiled and went closer to him.
"So you think I'm hot," I flirted.
"Very," he said as he looked me in the eyes. I raised my hands and cupped his face bringing it down to mine. I placed my lips to his. He kissed me back and wrapped his hands around my waist.

We stood in the water kissing as I locked my fingers in his hair

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We stood in the water kissing as I locked my fingers in his hair. After a few he pulled away.
"We should get back," he said and we walked back.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said with a smile as he left me by the door.
"Bye. See you," I answered. He turned and left. Not even a good night kiss. I sighed as I started to miss Brian more and more. I walked in and got ready for bed.

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