Chapter 7

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1 week.
That's how long it has been since Davian and I exchanged words. I was kinda in the slumps since then but today I'm going on my second date. Time for me to pull the same scheme I did when I went out with Tanner.
I showered and got dressed in a light blue denim dress and a pair of white sneakers.

I was really excited but really nervous about going on a date with my crush

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I was really excited but really nervous about going on a date with my crush.

Jeremy picked me up 15 minutes after my dad dropped me off. We walked into the town and went to a cafe.
We sat at one of the window seats next to each other.

"I can't believe you've never been bowling," Jeremy commented as we spoke about ourselves

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"I can't believe you've never been bowling," Jeremy commented as we spoke about ourselves.
"Never. My parents aren't really willing to let me go out and since they don't go, I've never been," I said. We sat talking for a few more minutes then left. He walked me back to the church then we stopped and talked some more.
"I really enjoyed today," I commented.
"Me too," he said. He leaned in and kiss me. His lips were soft. I really didn't feel like stopping.

"You like that huh?" He asked as he pulled away

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"You like that huh?" He asked as he pulled away. I hung my head down blushing. "Don't worry these lips will always be here for you."
I smiled and turned to go back inside.
"Dad?!" I said surprised.
"In the car," he said angrily. I looked back for Jeremy who was no longer there.

The drive back home was very very silent. I could tell dad was mad.
I opened the car door and quickly walked in.
"Don't you dare climb those stairs," he cried out. I spun 180 degrees and followed behind him.
"Hey hunny. What's wrong?" My mom asked as we entered the kitchen.
"Your daughter.....," he let out a loud s sigh then continued. "She skipped youth meetings and went out with a guy, who she was tongue tied with in the parking lot!"
"Kiara!" My mom shouted.
"Mom I can explain," I said knowing damn well there was no explanation that could get me out of this.
"Explain what??? It's there crystal clear. Can't be any clearer!" my dad shouted once more.
"I'm really disappointed in you," my mom said holding out her hand. I know what she wanted so I handed it to her. "Go to your room."
I quickly ran up the stairs.
I know I should be sad, but I wasn't. I was actually still floating on cloud 9 from that kiss with Jeremy. And who cares if they have my phone, I'll see Jeremy at school anyways.
I dropped on the bed smiling as I continued to think of him.

"Girrrll!!! How could you not fill me in on the date," Sharon said as we joined by my locker.
"Sorry. My parents kinda took my phone," I answered.
"Wait seriously??? Why?" She asked.
"Yeah. Dad kinda came back a little early and saw Jeremy and I kissing," I said turning to her.
"Oh no. I'm sorry to hear that K," she said.
"Yeah. But let's talk about the fact that Jeremy kissed me and it was AMAZING!!!" I said excitedly. Sharon and I started to squeal.
"Ladies, class!" Our principal shouted. We quickly slammed the locker and ran to class.

The day went by pretty quickly. At lunch time Jeremy and I decided to spend some time together in the classroom. We talked about the date and more about other things about us.
I leaned in and kissed him.

 I leaned in and kissed him

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Our kiss grew deeper. I felt his hands cup my waist and pulled me closer to him.
"This is a school," I heard Mr. Hill say and Jeremy and I jumped apart. "Jeremy and Kiara! I did not expect that."
We quickly got up and walked to the door.
"Ms. Morgan," He said as we got near the door. I spun around and looked at him.
"A word," he said and I walked over to him. I looked back and Jeremy had already disappeared.
"Yes sir," I said waiting to hear what he had to say.
"Why are you trying to spoil your reputation. From what I hear, you're the most disciplined student at this school," he said.
"Yeah. Disciplined," I said then whispered, "but lame," under my breath.
"What's that?" He asked.
"Nothing sir. Won't happen again," I said then left. I lied. I definitely wanted it to happen again. I liked it and doing it when others say not to really gave me the thrill.

I searched and found Jeremy in the library.
"You stood by me," I said to him.
"Sorry. He did call you not me," he justified.
"Hmmmm," I said. "Anyways" I continued and sat down. We continued to talk for the remaining of the lunch break.
Talking to Jeremy was nice. A smart guy I can relate to and kissing him was, well you know. 😉

The remaining of the day was ok. More classes. Davian and I still not exchanging words. He even stopped sitting with us. Sometimes it even seem as if he and Sharon weren't even friends anymore. I really don't want to be the reason they stop being friends.

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