Chapter 11

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It is now Friday and there was no school since we're gonna have camp for the weekend. I woke up at 7:00am and started to pack my bag. A weekend away from my parents, them not there to tell me I can't stay this or that. I definitely packed some questionable outfits in there.
"Kiara hunny," my mom said as she walked into my room.
"Yes mom," I answered.
"The school just informed us they had to switch the location of the camp. It'll be at Top Hill Camp site," she said. I felt my heart drop.
Does that mean I won't get to see Brian this weekend.
"Ok mom," I said trying not to look disappointed.
After she left I quickly grabbed my phone and called Brian.

Brian: Babygirl
Kiara: Hey. About this weekend.
Brain: what's wrong?
Kiara: they moved the camp to some place called Top Hill Camp site.
I could here him laugh on the other end.
Kiara: why are you laughing?
Brian: K. Top Hill Camp Site is right next to my dorm.
Kiara: Omg! That's amazing.
Brian: exactly. It's even better. Can't wait to see you.
Kiara: me too

I hung up the phone smiling from ear to ear. I was even more excited.

At about 11:00am I was finally ready to go. I got dressed in a grey sweater high neck blouse, black dress jumpsuit with a zip on the front and some thigh high boots.

"What are you wearing?" My dad asked the minute I walked down the stairs

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"What are you wearing?" My dad asked the minute I walked down the stairs.
"Aaaa.... boots," I said looking down at my outfit.
"That does not look appropriate," he said.
"Hunny. Come on. She looks nice," my said butting in.
"Thanks mom," I said with a smile.
"Fine. Let's go," dad said and he drove me to the school where we boarded the bus.

Sharon and I sat beside each other and we talked the entire ride. We got out of the bus and gathered at the entrance of the building. Brian was right, his dorm was literally right beside the campus. We were addressed by our teacher then sent to our rooms. A few minutes later we gathered in a hall to start one of the projects. As we worked our teacher informed us that we'd have 3 hours from 4 -7 pm for ourselves and we are allowed to visit the gaming lounge and sports complex of the dorm.

My project was done by 3 and I helped Sharon with hers. I looked over at Davian who was failing miserably.
"I'll be back," I said and walked over.
"That goes on the other side," I said. Davian looked up at me and said nothing. "I've told you I'm sorry a million times. What can I do to make things right with you?"
He still ignored me. I nod my head and left.

"Still nothing?" Sharon asked as I got to her.
"Nope," I answered. "I guess he's really done with me.
"Ok. Those who are finished can leave early. Please be careful," our teacher shouted. I left Sharon and headed to Brian's room.

I got to his room and knocked. A few seconds after he opened the door. The minute he saw me he smiled.
"Baby girl," he said.
"Hey," I said with a smile.
"I love your outfit," he said and gestured for me to come in.
"I hope I'm not disturbing you," I said as I sat on the window ledge.
"Never," he said.
We sat talking for a while then I stood and said, "so awww, good news I have free time from 4-7 every evening for the rest of the weekend."
"Yeah?" He said joining me.
"Yeah," I said brushing a hair from my face.
"You're nervous," he pointed out.
"Kinda," I confirmed.
"Why?" He asked as he squeezed my shoulders.
I reached for his neck and pulled his lips to mine. I hungrily kissed him so he'd know exactly why I was nervous.

We parted after a few seconds of kissing.
"You're ready?" He asked looking me lustfully in the eyes.
"Yes," I said biting my lips. He smiled and kissed me again. He lifted me to the bed and placed me down carefully. He pulled his shirt over his head revealing his well toned abs. I bit my lips as I looked at him.
"You like what you see baby?" He asked as he climbed over me and kissed me again.

My hands explored his body as we kissed. He was firm and I just felt like being in his arms forever.
He unzipped my jumper and pulled my shirt over my head leaving me in my bra and panty. He lowered me and came over me kissing my lips hungrily. He moved his kisses to my neck sucking and biting on it causing me to moan.

"Baby girl," he whispered in my ears.
"Yes," I moaned wanting him to continue.
"I may get a little rough," he said.
"Mhmmm," I moaned again as he continued.
He continued to suck on my neck then unclasped my bra me threw it or the floor. He started sucking on my breasts which were aching for his touch.
"Mhmmm. Brian," I moaned as he continued down to my belly causing me to get hotter.
He pulled off my panties and rubbed my now aching core. I flinched and moaned in pleasure as he caressed me. He unzipped his pants and came over me.
"Do you have on a condom?" I ensured.
"Yes," he said then positioned over me. He placed his tip at my core and started to push it in. I flinched as I felt the pain.

"Just breath," he said as I dug my nails into his muscular arms. I tried to do as he said. Before long Brian was moving in and out of me faster by the second. I felt the pain subside and I felt pleasure rocking my body. I held him to my chest as his thrusts got stronger and faster. My moans grew stronger and were coming on much faster as well.
"Aaaa," I screamed and moaned in his ear.
He definitely took this as an encouragement. I felt him getting faster and deeper.
"Ahh——ahhh- mhmmm," I moaned uncontrollably. I felt my eyes roll back, my toes curl and my nails digging deeper into him as I climaxed. I felt his trusts get slower and deeper. He finally came and dropped beside me trying to catch his breath as I tried to do as well.
I looked over at him. He pulled me to him and kissed me.

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