Chapter 5

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"K I'm telling you today is gonna be fun," Sharon said as the three of us stood in line at the movie theaters.
"I'm so excited!" I squealed.
"I don't see why we gotta see a chic flick," Davian commented.
"Because you choose to have girl best friends. Deal with it," Sharan sassed. I just laughed.
"D...sorry to be late man," I heard Tanner's voice say. I spun around to see him smiling at me.
"You invited other people," I said turning my attention away from Tanner.
"I could leave," Tanner said.
"No it's cool. Come on K, now at least we I'll have a guy to talk to," Davian said.
"Whatever," I said and spun around.
"I'll be fine. Just ignore him," Sharon said. We finally made it into the movie. All through the movie I felt uncomfortable. I kinda felt guilty hiding this from my friends.
I got up half way through the movie and left for the bathroom.
I certainly took my time.
"K!" I heard Tanner say as I was about to head back into the theatre.
"What Tanner?" I answered turning to face him.
"You look nice," he replied and I folded my arms and looked at him angrily. "What did I do?"
"You're here Tanner. Why?" I asked.
"Davian invited me. What I should tell him no. How'd I explain why," Tanner commented.
"I don't know. Just say I don't want to come," I said.
"I really don't see why them knowing is such a big deal. They're your friends," he commented.
"So?" I replied.
"Hey there you guys are," Davian said as he spot Tanner and I. "We were beginning to wonder what happened. What's going on?"
Suddenly I felt Tanner's hand cup my face and pull me in for a kiss.

I shoved him off and looked to my friends who's mouths were wide open and Davian's face getting red with anger

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I shoved him off and looked to my friends who's mouths were wide open and Davian's face getting red with anger.
"What's wrong with you?" I shouted at Tanner.
"What? You didn't seem to mind yesterday," he said. I looked at him angrily.
"Yesterday?" Davian butt in and looked at us angrily. "You've kissed him before. Is there something I'm missing?"
"Yeah. We went on a date yesterday which ended in us making out. Now she's pretending it didn't even happen," Tanner explained. Davian looked at him.
"You asked out my best friend?" Davian said angrily. "WTF man!"
"So you're angry at that. What about her. She's the one who lied to you," Tanner said pointing at me. I turned to look at Sharon. She just shook her head and walked away.
"Sharon wait!" I cried out and ran after her.
"Stay the f*** away from her!" I heard Davian yell out and I heard him running after us.

"Sharon wait!!" I cried out as she got close to the car. She stopped at the car door, waiting for it to be opened. "I'm sorry. I know I should have told you."
"K I've shared every part of my life with you. You have your first date and kiss and i have to find out like this," she said angrily.
"I know I'm sorry. I really just wanted to get it over with. You and Davian have been on so many dates and kissing in the halls, classroom, everywhere like it's not a big deal. So when he offered I just went," I explained.
"But him though. You know the kind of guy he is," Davian commented.
"I know the kind of guy you are and I'm friends with you," I snapped.
"Yeah," he said shaking his head. "Maybe we shouldn't be."
"Davian that's not what I meant," I said but he ignored me and went to the drivers seat.
"Let's go," he said and hoped in.
"I'm angry at you. But I'm gonna say this as your best friend, that was kinda too far," Sharon said and we climbed into the car.

The car ride was very silent. No one said a word to the other. I looked over at Davian and realized he was still angry. They dropped me off at home and nobody said a work.
'Guess it was best I just never had a life. Everything was so much easier,' I thought as I walked into the house.

"Sweetie you're home so early," my mom commented as I entered the house.
"Yeah. Movie ended earlier than expected," I lied and went upstairs.
I tried calling Sharon as I sat on my bed.

Sharon: Hello
Kiara: Hey. I'm .... I'm really sorry.
Sharon: I do forgive you. I guess knowing who he is I'd probably hide it too.
Kiara: yeah, and to be honest with you, I actually enjoyed our date. He was really sweet. I guess he's just a total assh*** when he's around other people.
Sharon: Probably. Do you like him?
Kiara: *sighs heavily* I don't think so. I guess I really just like the idea of someone liking me and kissing him was definitely a plus. Now I see why you guys always do it. *laughs*
Sharon: *laughs* Yep it's pretty amazing. Don't worry about us. I forgive you. You however need to talk to Davian. You guys have been best friends before I came into the picture. Don't throw that away. You really hurt him by saying what you said.
Kiara: Yeah I know. Gonna call him now.
Sharon: ok, bye
Kiara: bye

I hung up and tried calling Davian. He didn't answer so I texted.

He left me on read

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He left me on read.
I sighed loudly and dropped my head to my pillow.

Did I really just ended my friendship with Davian? Was this really it?

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