Chapter 10

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After we ate we went back to my room, played games and watched another movie. By the end of the movie it was dark outside.
"I should probably go," Brian said as he got up.
"Aaa yeah I guess," I said sadly.
"Hey come on. I need to leave before your parents get here," he said.
"They're not coming home until tomorrow," i replied hoping he'd stay.
"So you want me to stay?" He asked holding my waist.
"Yessss," I said slowly not wanting to sound desperate.
"Ok," he said. He pulled me to him and kissed me passionately. I felt one of his hand slide down to my butt.

Our kiss grew deeper

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Our kiss grew deeper.
"Do you want to?" He whispered in my ear. I looked up at him.
"I—-I don't know," I answered unsure if I was. I really don't know this guy very well. I feel very attached, attracted and comfortable around him.
I guess it's really true what they say about bad boys, really can't get enough.
"You're not. Trust me if you were you wouldn't hesitate," he said. I really liked how he didn't push me into sex. He wasn't like Jeremy.

We divided to go to sleep. He laid down beside me and pulled me up his side. He cuddled me.

I was awaken by a loud ringing

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I was awaken by a loud ringing.
"K. K," I also heard Brain's musty voice say.
"Mhmmm," I answered still half asleep.
"You're getting a call," he said. I jumped from his arms remembering my parents would be coming home today.

Kiara: hello.
Mom: Good morning sweetie. We're on our way, but I need you to prepare some brunch for us. You're dad has a meeting there.
Kiara: ok mom

I hung up the phone and turned to Brian. He was already up and putting on his shoes.
"I know I got to go," he said and walked over and kissed me.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"No problem B. I had a great time yesterday," he said with a smile then we walked to the door. After he disappeared I made my way upstairs and showered, made my bed and cleaned up.

It's been a week since then. Haven't seen Brian either but we've talked everyday. I miss him, but I don't really wanna admit that to him. I don't feel he really want a relationship, but I want him to fall in love with me. So since then I've started drifting to more dark colored, and statement clothing.

I walked up to Sharon at the locker

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I walked up to Sharon at the locker.
"You look nice. You know you've been wearing a lot of black lately," she commented. "Is it because of the Jeremy situation."
I haven't told my best friend about Brian as yet, I wasn't sure how she'd react to it.
"Yeah... well no," I said and sighed. "Sharon I have to tell you something but you have to promise me you won't get mad."
"Ok. I'll try," she said folding her arms.
"I met another guy," I said.
"Wait really. When?" She asked.
"The same day with the Jeremy situation," I said. "I went into town and we met, kinda been seeing each other since."
"Oh that's cool," she said. My phone vibrated. I looked down to see a message from Brian.

"I'll be back," I said and headed for the door

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"I'll be back," I said and headed for the door.
I quickly walked to the front of the school. Brian was there sitting on his motorcycle.
He got up from the bike as I ran into his arms.
"Hey baby girl," he said then kissed me.

"Hey," I said as we parted

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"Hey," I said as we parted.
"I've missed you. Can we hangout this weekend?" He asked as he stood before me looking into my eyes.
"I can't. We're having a projects camp here, where we come and complete a bunch of projects," I explained.
"Ok. Will you have any free time?" He asked.
"Normally have like 2 to 3 hours each day, just for ourselves," I answered.
"Great. I'll pick you up when you're free. You'll be back before they even miss you. Or we can hangout around the school," he said.
"Ok. I'll let you know the time," I answered.
"Great," he said and kissed me once more squeezing my butt.

"Bye baby girl," he said and I walked back realizing Sharon had seen the entire thing

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"Bye baby girl," he said and I walked back realizing Sharon had seen the entire thing.

"He's the guy?" She asked as I got closer with a very judge-mental look.
"Yeah. That's him," I answered.
"He's got to be probably about 26," she exclaimed.
"He's actually 22," I said and walked pass her.
"Kiara. He's a man, you're a teen," she said as she followed behind me.
"So what?" I shouted turning to face her.
"So what? Are you kidding me. Who have you become?" She said looking at me disgusted now drawing attention to us.
"I'm still me, just a me that has come out of a shell. The me that wants you to not judge me for the guys I date. The me that would appreciate my best friend being happy that I'm happy," I said then walked away.
"K. K wait," she said and ran up to me. I turned to face her. "I love you and I don't want you to change for this guy. This dressing isn't you, but if you're happy I'm right behind you."
"Thank you," I said and hugged her.

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