Chapter 23

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It's the end of the first week of college. Today is Friday. It's 2:30pm and I'll be meeting the coach to see if I can fill in for their injured player.
Omar and I have trained for the entire week. He says I'm actually good.
I pulled on a black jersey shorts and grey oversized t-shirt that Omar lent me.

I stepped onto the court and made my way over to him

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I stepped onto the court and made my way over to him.
"Hi," I said as I got close.
"Hey shorty," I guy said and I heard others whistle. I saw Omar give them a look and they backed away.
"Sorry about that," he said.
"I don't get why though," I said looking down at my baggy clothes.
"Guys like when you wear oversized t-shirts. It's a bit of a turn on. Especially when you're wearing theirs," he said as he smiled at me.
I blushed. I even had to look away so he wouldn't see.
"Coach?" He said and I looked nervously.
"Ms. Morgan what are you doing here?" Mr. Hill asked. Before I could answer Omar did for me.
"She is the new replacement until Ray is better?" He said.
"A girl? You're replacing him with a girl?" Mr. Hill replied.
"With all due respect sir, she's very capable," Omar defended.
"Really?" Mr. Hill said and looked at me. "Let's see."
We ran into the court and waited for the whistle. We played for a few minutes then he blew the whistle for us to stop.

"Not bad. Need work," he said.
"I'll work with her," Omar offered.
"Don't worry about that. You keep your head in the game, I'll train her," Mr. Hill replied.
"Yes sir," Omar said and looked at me with a smile.
"Ok. Laps!" Mr. Hill shouted and blew the whistle. The boys started around the court and I followed.

After training Mr. Hill asked me to join him in his office.
As I walked in he locked the door behind us.
"You're mad?" I asked.
"I'm not. Just can't really think straight when you're around," he explained.
"Mr. Hill I'm sorry," I said.
"Will you please call me Carter or coach," he said walking towards me.
"Ok," I said as I stepped back.
I was starting to wonder if I really liked him Otis it just because I feel lonely.
"Coach!" I heard Omar's voice say and he quickly moved from before me.
"Come!" Carter answered. Omar opened the door and saw me.
"Oh hey," he said then addressed Carter. I decided to leave with Omar.

"Everything ok?" Omar asked as he walked me to my room.
"Yeah. I'm ok," I said. I really wasn't. A lot was going through my mind.
We got to my room and we stood there.
"Sure you're ok?" He said as he walked closer to me and lifted my chin.
"Yeah," I said looking into his eyes. He leaned in to kiss me but I shifted. He stepped back and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry."
"That's fine. It's too soon. I get that," he said then walked away.

Many months have passed.
I have been seeing less of Sharon and spending more time training with Carter and sometimes hanging out with Omar.
We're having a big match tomorrow and I was super nervous.
I've only been a extra player on the other games and that's what I'll be. But somehow I felt very nervous. Maybe it's the fact that I would be playing a team I hear is very good.
I sat in my room very nervous.
*knock, knock*
I walked hurriedly to the door. I opened to see Carter.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Can I come in?" He asked. I stepped aside and he walked in. "I came to see you."
"Oh ok," I said. "About?"
It was quite strange he came to my room.
He smirked and grabbed my face and kissed me.

 He smirked and grabbed my face and kissed me

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Of course I kissed him back. Kissing was my weakness.
"Can we go to my room?" I asked and he smiled and I led him there.
The minute I closed the door he pinned me to the wall and kissed me hungrily. His kisses went to my neck and he started sucking on it. I moaned as I felt the pleasure building.
"You like that?" He asked. I moaned even louder as his breath brushed my skin.
"Mhmmm," I answered.
"Kiara! K!" I heard. I pushed him away as I realized it was Omar's voice.
"Why are we stopping?" He asked.
"Someone's at the door," I said. To be honest I didn't really want to have sex with him. There was just something I didn't trust bout him. He never wants me to come over.
"So?" He asked annoyed.
"I'm gonna answer it," I said and straightened my clothes.

I opened the door.
"Hey," I said trying to stable my breathing.
"Hi. You ok. You're supposed to be resting not training," he said with a laugh.
"Yeah I know," I said as I laughed too.
"Babe I gotta go," Carter said as he came to the door.  I watched as Omar's eyes widened as he watched him kiss my cheek. "Omar. Ready for tomorrow?"
"Ahhh... yeah," Omar replied. Then Carter disappeared.
"I can explain," I started.
"That explains a lot. No need," he said and walked off.
"Omar wait," I said as I reached out and held into his hand.
"Why. You really don't need to explain Kiara. I get it you're into really older guys. Everyone has their preference. Just wish you had told me that upfront instead of me thinking you're playing hard to get," he said then walked away.
I stood there kinda heart broken. I kinda like him.
I walked back into the apartment and locked the door.
I sure would have liked to talk to someone about this. But I had no one. Sharon is too busy for me and Davian and I haven't talked since.

I plopped on my bed and let out a loud sigh.

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