Chapter 9

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I stepped into Brian's dorm room. It was a bit small but had sufficient space for him. Judging from his unhung clothes and overflowing laundry basket I could tell he wasn't a tidy person.

"Make yourself comfortable," he said and left through the door

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"Make yourself comfortable," he said and left through the door.
I sat on his window ledge and looked down at the many students going about the campus. I started to get nervous.
"You ok?" He said as he entered and realized I was jittery.
"Aaa. Yeah," I said as I stood to face him. "Cool room."
He laughed. "Thanks. I see you're nervous," he said.
I hung down my head as I felt embarrassed. "No need to be. We're just hanging out. No sex. I promise."
I looked up at him.
"Unless you want to," he said and walked closer to me.
"I'm not sure if I'm ready," I said softly.
"That's ok," he said and squeezed my shoulders.
He leaned in and kissed me. He pulled me closer wrapping his hands around my back. I closed my eyes and got lost in his embrace.

"You're lips are so sweet," he said as we parted

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"You're lips are so sweet," he said as we parted. "Do you play video games?"
"Not really. But I'm willing to learn," I replied. He smiled and went to set it up.
We spent the rest of the day with him teaching me video games. I really enjoyed hanging out with him.

"Brian, I kinda have to go," I said looking down on my time realizing it was now 4:00pm

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"Brian, I kinda have to go," I said looking down on my time realizing it was now 4:00pm.
"Ok baby girl. Let's go," he said and we got up and went down. As we reached his bike he asked, "where to?"
"My high school or the bus stop," I answered.
He laughed and said, "I'm taking you home sweetie."
"My dad will kill me if he sees me with you," I said getting scared.
"Don't worry. I'll leave you some way from your house," he said slapping the seat for me to sit. I sighed and climbed on clinging to him.

"Here you go," Brian said stopping a little from my house.
"Thanks for today," I said and kissed his cheek. I was about to walk away and I felt him pull me back.
He smashed his lips to mine then said, "I don't want no cheek kiss."
I smiled then turn and quickly walk to the house.

"Kiara where have you been? School ends at 3:00pm," my dad asked as soon as I entered the house.
"I was at the library," I lied.
"Library? So you couldn't have called?" He asked not convinced.
"Sorry. Got carried away," I said.
"I'm beginning to wonder if I want to leave you here tomorrow by yourself. You've been very irresponsible lately," he said.
"Dad it's just that school have been a lot lately," I answered.
"Okay. Please keep focused," he said. I nodded and walked upstairs.

I really didn't feel like being alone tomorrow.
Brian: Hey baby girl
Kiara: Hey. Aaaa, so my parents won't be home tomorrow and I really don't feel like being alone.
Brain: Don't worry baby girl I got you.
Kiara: Thanks. Are we gonna stay here or go somewhere, or your place.
Brain: I can come to your place.
Kiara: ok. See you then.
I hung up and went to take a shower.

I was up pretty early the next morning. My parents will be leaving to visit my grandparents and won't be back until tomorrow. Yeah, I'm shocked too. They never leave me home alone, worst overnight.
"Bye mom, bye dad, safe trip," I shouted, waving them goodbye.
After they disappeared I ran upstairs and got in the shower.
I got dressed in a light pink rumper. I wanted to look cute yet comfy.

I completed my homework while I waited

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I completed my homework while I waited.
After half an hour after I hear a bike pull up and park at the side of the house.
I looked out the window and saw him climb off and got out his phone. I was excited to see him. I ran downstairs and opened the door.
"Hey," he said as he saw me. "You look nice. I like."
"Thanks. Was trying to be as comfy as possible," I replied. "Come in."
He walked in. "You should have told me. I wouldn't have worn jeans," he said.
"Sorry," I said with a smile.
I led him to my room.
"This is me," I said as we walked in.
"I like it," he said as he set down his jacket. "So what do you wanna do?"
"Aaa I was thinking probably some games, tv, just hang and talk," I answered. My body really wanted more than what my lips was saying, but I know I wasn't ready.
"Sounds good," he replied.
We watched two movies, White House down and The Croods, then got hungry.
"What do you want to eat?" I asked.
"Anything is fine," he said and I saw him looking at me with hunger. I ran down stairs and started making some burger and fries. A few minutes in I heard Brian come down the stairs and he stood behind me and hugged me.
He turned me around and kissed me then lifted me to the counter. I cupped his neck pulling him closer as he ran his hands down my thighs.

Our kiss continued and got deeper by the second

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Our kiss continued and got deeper by the second. His kisses left my lips and to my cheeks then to my neck. It was the first I was ever being kissed on my neck and it felt great. Seconds in and I heard a moan escape my lips. He smiled causing his hot breath to tickle my neck, as a result another escaped my lips.

 He smiled causing his hot breath to tickle my neck, as a result another escaped my lips

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"You like that?" He asked.
"Y-e-s," I managed to say. " food."
He quickly pulled away.
"Sorry," he said with a laugh. I smiled and jumped from the counter. I was just in time. Was a bit over done but ok.
"Lunch is served," I said handing it to him. We ate and talked. I really enjoyed being around him.

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