Chapter 26

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After a few minutes of her crying I finally got her to fall asleep.
I covered her with her blanket, turned off her lights and closed her door behind me. I cleaned up the living room and the kitchen then went to my room.
I plopped on my bed then dialed Davian.

Davian: Hey princess
Kiara: Hey. We need to talk.
D: I really don't like the sound of that. What's wrong?
K: How fast can you get here?
D: K don't play with me. You know I can be there in a second.
K: good. Ahhh.
D: Kiara spit it out!
K: Sharon is pregnant. (I whispered)
D: wait what? For him?
K: I think so.
D: how about I come next weekend. My exam will be finished by then.
K: oh ok. And please don't be so mad when you get here.
D: MHmmmm.
K: I'm serious.
D: I know.

After hanging up I showered and went to bed.

I was awoken by a small crying sound. I quickly ran to Sharon.
"Sharon," I called. I found her on the floor of her bathroom hanging over the toilet. I held her. After a few minutes she got up and cleaned herself up. "I'll make you some tea."
I walked into the kitchen and did so. I also made a banana- peanut butter smoothie bowl for breakfast.

I sat watching her as she ate the bowl

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I sat watching her as she ate the bowl.

*knock knock*
I walked swiftly to the door.
"Hey," I said as I opened to see Omar.
"Hi. Can we talk?" He asked.
"Can't right now. Bad time," I said
He nodded.
"Look about yesterday...." he started.
"Can we please talk about this later?" I asked.
"Ok," he said then left.
I spent the rest of the day with Sharon. We talked, mostly her telling me about all that had happened.

A week had pass. Our summer break begins and I was packing a small suitcase to go home. I decided to stay the rest of the weekend since Davian would be coming.
"What am I gonna tell my parents?" Sharon asked as she sat in my bed.
"I don't know. But I'll be there with you," I assured her.
"Give be a sec," I said and made my way to the door.

I opened the door and saw Davian.
"Hey!" I said as I jumped into his arms.
"Hey. How are you?" He asked as he embraced me.
"I'm good. You j don't have to ask," I said as I released him and looked at him.
He laughed.
"How's Sharon?" He asked.
"Well..." I started.
"You told him!" Sharon shouted causing me to spin around.
"Yeah. He's our best friend," I said as we made our way to her.
"I didn't ask you to tel him. This is my life, I don't want him knowing everything," Sharon said folding her hands.
"Sharon come on. This is me you're talking," Davian said.
"What about you? You aren't my best friend. Only hers," she said and went to her room slamming the door behind her.
"Ouch," Davian said as he looked around embarrassed.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"For what? She's mad at me," he said.
"Right," I said with a loud sigh. "Hungry?"
"Starving," he said and we made our way to the kitchen. I made him some eggs and sausage with toast bread. "You've become a chef I can see."
"I wouldn't say I'm a chef...but I'm pretty good," I said with an attitude while fake flipping my hair.
He laughed at the sight.
"It's good to see you guys," he said starring at me.
"You too," I replied with a smile. The door bell rang causing us to look away from each other. "Excuse me."
The person kept banging on the door.
"Will you wait!!" I shouted. "What?!"
I opened the door to see Drake.
"Hi babe," he said and walked up to me.
"What do you want?" I asked pushing him away.
"I'm here to see Sharon. Move," he said as he push pass me.
"Is this your house?" Davian said as he intervened.
"Is it yours?" Drake said as he stood in-front of him.
"It's mine and I asked him to come over," Sharon said poking her head around the corner. Drake looked Davian up and down and brushed pass him. I saw Davian fold his fist in anger. I walked over to him and pulled him towards the kitchen.
"Let it go," I said.
"Are you kidding me?" He whispered to me pointing in the direction of Sharon's room. I just shrugged.

After a few minutes of them talking in the room they came out.
"So you're gonna do it?" Drake said to her.
"I don't know," Sharon responded. "Kiara say I need to really think about it."
"Kiara! So you're taking advice from her. Her!" He said pointing to me.
"Why not she's my best friend," Sharon responded.
"How much fo you even know about her. Last summer did she tell you what happened?" Drake asked. My eyes widened. I never told Sharon what happened. "Do you even know why I kissed her?"
"No. What happened last summer?" Sharon said looking to me and Davian.
I just starred.
"Let me enlighten you," Drake began.
"Drake," Davian said.
"What?" Drake said with a smile. "I kissed your little friend over there because she sent me a lot of love letters. She has a crush on me."
"Wait what? You never told me that," Sharon responded.
"Sharon I can explain. I didn't want you to know I had a crush on him because you two started dating," I explained.
"But he knew," she said pointing to Davian.
"But wait there's more," Drake said. "Last summer your friend was raped or so she says. She was probably even pregnant and aborted it. She didn't even asked you."
"What?" Sharon asked looking at me hurt.
"Sharon I can explain," I said with tears now filling my eyes.
"Go ahead. Tell me how he knows everything about you, but I don't," she said.
"Yes. I was raped last summer...but I didn't tell you because I thought you had enough to deal with after he cheated on you," I explained as tears fell.
"No I don't think that's it. You prefer him over me," she said.
"Sharon that's not true," Davian interrupted.
"Don't even start Davian. I know you prefer her over me too. You will put your life down for her. I know that," she said.
"I would do the same for you Sharon. I'm here for you aren't I?" Davian said.
"Yeah. But I'm sure she told you when she found out. Which is a week ago. If it was her, you'd be here the very next day," Sharon said.
I stood there looking at my best friends. We were all fighting. I hated this.
"Please stop! Sharon I love you. You're my best friend. So is Davian. I've known him before you and probably prefer to tell him more, but that doesn't change anything. I'm looking out for you. I wish you could see he's not good for you. He's trying to turn us against each other so you'll run to him," I said as the tears flow.
"Bit** shut up!" Drake yelled. Davian started after him.
"Davian stop!" I cried out.
I looked at Sharon and walked over.
"Please," I said to her.
"Babe let's go," Drake said as he pulled her hand. She looked at us and walked off with him. I sighed and cried as I watched her leave.

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