Chapter 19

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The summer was all most through. We left my grandparents and went back home. I got home and immediately wanted to see my friends.
I walked downstairs where my parents were and said, "mom,dad."
"Yes sweetie," they chorused.
"Can I go see my friends?" I asked
"Sure," my dad said without hesitation.
"Thanks," I said and turned and left.

I walked over to Sharon's house and knocked. Her mother informed me she wasn't home so I made my way over to Davian.

"Kiara. Come in," the butler said and I stepped in.
"Thank you. Is Davian home?" I asked as he closed the door.
"Yes ma'am. Davian!" He said calling for him.
Almost immediately I heard him running down the stairs.
"Is it here? Is it? Oh," he called as he ran down and stopped when he saw me.
"Happy to see you too," I said
"Sorry I'm expecting a package. How are you?" He said embracing me into a hug.
"Well.." I said.
"Let's go," he said. He always knows when I need to talk privately. He led me to his room and closed the door. "What's wrong?"
I sat down and looked at him.
"Kiara Leanna Morgan!" He shouted. I really hated when he called me by my full name. That's when you know he's serious.
"Fine," I said standing. To be honest I didn't know where to start. "I—- I was kinda....raped."
"What?!" He exclaimed.
"Before you get too mad. My parents know," I said.
"So is this guy behind bars?" He asked.
"Not exactly," I said.
"What do you mean not exactly?!" He shouted getting angry.
"He's in a mental facility," I explained
"I don't get it. He's crazy?" He said as he walked over to me.
"Ok so here's the story. He's my childhood friend. For the entire summer we've gotten to know each other. He liked me. I wanted someone and he was available. So we basically dated. But he had some issues. He's really bipolar and kinda out of it sometimes," I explained.
"Ok. So you dated. Now get to how he raped you," he said.
"After I found out how he was, he came back to apologize for hitting me and.." I started
"He did what?! Where the f*** is this guy?" Davian said getting even angrier.
"Would you let me finish," I said
"Fine. Go on," he said as he sat down shaking with anger.
"He came to apologize and told me he was going away. Kinda felt sorry for him, so when he kissed me I kissed him b ack. But he took it further and wouldn't stop. So I yelled and my dad and his dad even tried pulling him off. He kept going," I explained.
I heard Davian sighed.
"And they know this and he's not behind bars," he said standing to face me.
"I told them I didn't want to press charges,"
I said .
"Are you crazy? K that boy knew exactly what he was doing. He was hard which means he was thinking about it before hand. You don't know how guys work. Trust me, he was totally sane when he raped you," he said.
I stood there watching Davian get angry punching the wall. He's actually right. I never really thought about that.
"You're right," I said with tears now falling to my cheek. "He played me."
Davian turned and saw I was crying. He walked over to me and hugged me.

After he let go I looked at him and I dropped to the floor and he sat beside me

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After he let go I looked at him and I dropped to the floor and he sat beside me.
"Im done with guys," I said still in tears.
"Come on. Don't say that," he said.
"Why not. I've never felt so much pain before. Since my first kiss I've felt betrayal, loss of a best friend, I've been cheated on, left and now raped. I should have never started dating," I said breaking down. Davian pulled me to his arms.

After I stopped crying he let go and said, "I don't want you to give up

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After I stopped crying he let go and said, "I don't want you to give up. One day you'll find that guy. He's gonna love you and treat you like the queen you are. Maybe not in high school or college, boys like me don't know how to love at this age. But when he comes you'll know," he said. I looked at him and smiled.
"Thanks Davian," I said and hugged him.
"No problem," he responded. "Always here for you."

We spent the rest of the evening chatting then we went to play basketball outside.
Davian told me how his summer went. He informed me he has a new girlfriend who just moved here for senior year.

"So you're back!" I heard Sharon's voice say as Davian and I played.
I spun around and saw her and ran to hug her.
"Hey!" I shouted very happy to see her.
"Don't hey me," she said pushing me off.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Sharon what's the problem?" Davian asked confused as well.
"She is... she stole my boyfriend," she said. My heart sank. I totally forgot about that.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"Wait, wait. What the hell are we talking about?" Davian asked still confused.
"My boyfriend likes her," she explained. I looked down embarrassed.
"Wait Drake?" He asked
"Yep," Sharon responded.
"Well she kinda liked.." he started but I elbowed him. I had told Davian about me liking Drake, but never told Sharon.
"Ouch!" He said as he held his belly now crunching over.
"Would you let him finish," Sharon said to me and turned back to Davian.
"I was gonna say. She doesn't like the guy. Your boyfriend is the blame here. I keep telling you girls, we can't really be trusted," he said still holding his stomach.
"I know. I'm not mad. Kinda sad though, but, not mad at my best friend," she said and hugged me. "I've missed you."
"Missed you too. Don't scare me like that again," I said as we released the hug.
"So how was your summer?" She asked.
"It was fine," I said. I looked over to Davian and he nodded. That was my way of saying I don't want to tell her.

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