Chapter 8

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I was super excited for today. It's been a month now since I've been dating Jeremy.
Oh did I mention, my parents finally gave me back my phone. Davian and I still aren't friends.
Today is an exposition at school, so we'd be free for most of the day. I decided to wear a grey turtle neck dress and jeans jacket with a pair of white sneakers.

"Perfect," I said to myself as I looked in the mirror then rushed off to school

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"Perfect," I said to myself as I looked in the mirror then rushed off to school.

"Girl I'm telling you, that movie is amazing. You gotta watch it," Sharon said excitedly.
"I'm gonna. But I wanna see it with Jeremy," I said blushing.
"Ohhh. One month. Who'd have thought," she said.
"I know right. I'm so happy. I just love him," I said. We continued to talk for a few then went and saw some displays.
After a few minutes I met up with Jeremy. We went to a classroom to be alone.
I sat on a desk to the back corner and he stood in front of me. We talked and laughed and then we began to kiss. I placed my hands around his neck and pulled him even closer. I felt his hands slide to my thighs then to my butt. I felt him squeeze it causing me to moan.

"Baby I want you," he whispered in my ear

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"Baby I want you," he whispered in my ear.
"What?" I asked.
"Come on. We never go anywhere to have sex. Let's do it here," he explained.
"Jeremy I can't have sex in a classroom. Worst my first time," I said. He stepped back. "Jeremy come on."
"I think we should get back to the expo," he said and I jumped from the desk and followed him.
Did I make the right decision?

We walked back into the crowd and I found Sharon.
"Everything ok?" She asked. "You're back pretty quick."
"Yeah. Ammm, Jeremy wants to have sex," I said to Sharon.
"Yeah. That was expected. You too are passionate for each other," she explained.
"Yeah but he wants to have sex in the classroom Sharon," I said.
"Ohhhh....he's kinky," she justified. "Don't worry. He'll get over it. Just talk to him," she said. I sighed and left in search of him.

I walked through the halls searching. I even called. 'Did I really just loose him because I didn't wanna have sex in a classroom?' I thought as I searched.
I walked into a classroom on the top floor and looked at the back.
"Jeremy!" I shouted as I saw him having sex at the back of the class with Catherine. Yes Davian's ex-girlfriend.
"K!" He said as he stopped still inside her.
"Forget her. I'm coming," Catherine said and he continued to thrust in her still looking at me now in tears.
I ran from the class and down the stairs and through the door.

I walked into town. I had no idea where I was going, but I just wanted to be alone.
I entered a cafe and made my way to the back. I sat and continued to cry since no one was there.

"You ok shortie?" I heard a deep voice say. I wiped my eyes and looked up. A gorgeous, silver blond hair, blue-green eyes, light skin, very muscular 5'5" guy was standing before me.


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"Aaaa. Yeah I guess," I answered still in tears.
"No you're not," he said sitting beside me. "Some jackass broke your heart right?"
"Yeah," I answered.
"He's an idiot," he said
"And you're better so I should be with you?" I sassed
He laughed. "I don't think I'm better. Probably worst. What did he do?" He asked.
"I caught him having sex with a girl because I wasn't ready," I responded.
"Oh. Wow. I was in your shoes a week ago. Only thing we usually had sex, guess I wasn't enough," he said.
"It hurts doesn't it?" I asked.
"Worst than a gun shot. I should know I've been shot before," he said. I laughed. "I like your smile."
"Thanks. How'd you get over it?" I asked.
"Actually haven't. Wanna help me? I could help you," he said as his firm hands wiped the tears from my face.
"I don't even know you," I answered looking at him.
"I'm Brian. I'm 22. I attend YMT college and I'm a freshman," he said holding out his hand.
"I'm Kiara. I'm 16, but that still doesn't change anything," I answered. Did I really mean it though. Not at all I just needed somebody to want me.
"Nice to meet you Kiara. Just let us try. You can't feel any worst just better," he said as he starred in my eyes. I stood up as his stare felt hungry.
"I can't Brian," I said as I started to leave.
Brian stepped in front of me and pinned me to the wall. He looked me dead in the eye and lowered his head to mine. I felt his lips touch mine.

I know this is bad but his lips on mine felt damn good

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I know this is bad but his lips on mine felt damn good.
"Brian...please.....stop," I said in between kisses.
"I know... you don't ... want me to," he replied. We stood there kissing for a while then parted. I looked up at him.
'Just do it. What's the worst that can happen,' I thought to myself as I looked up at him.
I grabbed his neck and pulled his lips back to mine.

We continued to kiss for a while then he broke the kiss and said, "we should probably get out of here

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We continued to kiss for a while then he broke the kiss and said, "we should probably get out of here."
"Yeah," I said looking at him hungrily.
We left and went to the front. He stopped by a bike.
"You ride a bike?" I asked.
"Yeah. You're scared?" He asked.
"I don't know. I've never been on one," I said. He smirked at me.
"First time for everything baby girl," he said handing me his helmet. I took it, placed it on my head and climbed on. He rode off in the direction of his college.

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