Chapter 3

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I woke up pretty early the next day. Still wondering who texted me. I was really curious. I finally decided to text back the person.

'So I'm meeting a guy today,' I thought to myself as I made my way to the bathroom

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'So I'm meeting a guy today,' I thought to myself as I made my way to the bathroom. I showered and pulled on my outfit. I decided to wear a jeans pants, blue plaid shirt and a white sneakers.

I stepped downstairs with butterflies in my stomach

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I stepped downstairs with butterflies in my stomach.
"Breakfast is ready sweetie," mom said as I entered the kitchen.
"I'm not really hungry," I said as the nerves hit me.
"Not hungry. Sweetie you just got up. How can you not be hungry?" Mom asked. I shrugged.
"You're not leaving without breakfast," my dad came in and said. I sighed loudly and grabbed a plate. I nervously sat playing with the food and taking small bites.
"Hurry you're gonna be late for school," mom said looking at me. "Are you feeling ok?"
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine," I replied. I hurriedly forced the food down my throat and left.

I arrived at school and walked to my locker. I looked down at the time. I quickly walked to the library. My heart raced in my chest as I opened the door.
"Ouch," I cried out as my foot hit into a desk as I was gazing. I was looking around the room for the red shirt and not looking where I was walking.
"Shhhh!" The librarian shouted and I heard someone giggle. I looked over in the persons direction. He was the only one there and he was wearing a red shirt. He smirked at me and waved. I sighed and walked over.
"Tanner what do you want?" I asked as I sat in front of him. Tanner Brown is Davian's boy best friend. They are co-captains of the sports section of the school. Tanner is light complexioned, has blond hair, grey eyes, he's 5'5" and I'd say kinda strong built. Tanner however isn't a guy I've always seen eye to eye with. He's a prankster and pretty much the class clown.

"Hi to you too," he said with a smirk

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"Hi to you too," he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and got up to leave. He grabbed my arm. "Please wait."
I turned and sat back down.
"What?" I asked.
"I... I actually like you. I'm not lying about that. I think you're pretty cute," he said. My eyebrows rose as he spoke. The words coming from his mouth was unbelievable.
"Really?" I replied. "I don't believe you."
"I do. Probably I can prove it to you. How about you and I go on a date this Saturday?" He said.
"I can't," I sighed.
"Oh come on K. How am I to show you I like you if you're just gonna turn me down," he replied.
"That's not it. My parents would never agree to that," I said.
"So you just never go out?" He asked leaning towards me across the table.
"Never. Just to church or school," I responded. Suddenly we heard the bell ring.
"I got to get to class," I said standing. He stood as well. We stood in front of each other. He was way taller than I was. I looked up at him.
"Well I guess we could meet here at school or church," he said smiling and brushed my chin.
"O—kkk," I said still not convinced. We walked to class.

I sat in class thinking about my conversation with Tanner. 'Even if he's lying, it would be good finally have my first boyfriend,' I thought to myself. Truth be told I've always found Tanner to be annoying and outright rude. But knowing my best friends were dating and so experienced, I just wanted to too. So I decided in my mind I'd give it a shot.

At lunch Sharon and I sat talking. We talked about class, how she was crushing on the new teacher amongst other things. As we spoke I wondered to myself if I should tell her about Tanner. I decided not to. I know probably the date will go terrible and I'm gonna totally hate it so I didn't say anything. It's not like we could ever be anything more. After having lunch we went back to class and then home.

After getting home, I sat in my room doing my homework. I really didn't want the phone to get in the way of my grades. I was totally distracted yesterday so had to make it up today.
I looked down on my phone and saw Tanner was calling.

Kiara: HelloTanner: Hey! So

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Kiara: Hello
Tanner: Hey! So... have you decided yet?
Kiara: Well... fine. Yes I'd love to go on a date with you. I am gonna be at youth meeting on Friday. I can leave early and we hang out. But I must be back before 6:00pm.
Tanner: That works. Great I'll see you at 4:00 on Friday then.
Kiara: ok. By the way Tanner.
Tanner: Yeah
Kiara: Can this be between just us.
Tanner: OK. Whatever you wish sweetie.
Kiara: Thanks. Bye
Tanner: Bye

I hung up and went back to homework. Mom and dad returned home a few minutes after that. The nerves of keeping this a secret was eating me out. But I couldn't let my parents know. They'd take my phone back and my life seemed more interesting now than ever. I was excited to see what other adventures I could venture on.

I ran downstairs and ate dinner. While we ate I built up the courage and asked my parents a question.
"Mom, dad? Sharon wants us to catch a movie sometime. Is it ok if I go?" I said nervously.
"A movie?" Dad said looking at me and then to mom.
"Yeah," I answered.
"And will Sharon be the only one there?" He asked.
"Well... I think there may be others," I replied.
"Others like that boy from down the street?" He questioned.
"Who Davian?" I asked.
"I don't know his name. Your friend from 7th grade," he responded.
"Oh.... I think so. I'm not sure," I replied.
"I don't know. I don't know if you're ready to be going out with boys Kiara," he said.
"He's my best friend dad. We're just three friends going to the movies. Plus we pretty much spend an entire day together while at school," I assured him.
"Ok. Fine. One Saturday. You can go..." he started.
"Wait seriously!" I interrupted.
"Yes. But you must be back home by 3:00pm," he replied.
"Thank you dad," I said jumping to hug him.

My dad was beginning to trust me to leave the house without them. I was overwhelmed.
I decided to wait to tell them so I could see their reaction.

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