Chapter 25

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After seeing Davian off, I went in search of Omar.
I found him talking with the boys on the court.

"Hey," I said as I walked up to them.
"Hey. You were great out there today," one of the boys said.
"Thanks," I replied.
They continued to congratulate me. I just smiled.
"Ok boys. Don't scare her away," Omar said. The boys smiled and left. "What's up?"
"I came to apologize," I said as I turned to face him. He leaned over on a rail.
"You don't have to, you don't owe me anything," he said.
"I know, it's just. I just thought he was the one. We didn't have sex though, just," I started.
"Kiara stop. I don't need to know what happened between you and coach. I already told you, I'm..." he began but I cut him off by smashing my lips to his. He was surprised but kissed me back.

As we parted he looked at me confused

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As we parted he looked at me confused.
"I..." I said but couldn't find any words.
"What about coach?" He asked.
"I don't think I like him. There's just something I don't trust about him. I don't know. I'm gonna break up with him," I said as I looked into his eyes.
"Ok. I really liked that kiss, but I can't kiss you again.." he started but I interrupted.
"You no longer like me," I answered as I looked down. I felt his hands cup my cheek and he raised my head to face his.
"I still like you. Just don't want coach to kick me from the team for this," he said.
"Oh ok," I said.

We talked for a few more minutes then I walked to Carter's office.

He wasn't there so I decided to find where he lives. I took a cab to his address.
I walked up the walkway and knocked on the door.
A lady opened the door.
"Hi. May I help you?" She asked.
"Hi. I hope so. I'm looking for Mr. Carter Hill," I said.
"Oh. Wrong house sweetie. Next two houses down. It's grey and white," she said pointing to the right.
"Ohhh. Thanks," I said and walked down.

I knocked on the door.
"Hi," a lady said as she opened the door. A little boy poked his head through as well.
I giggled.
"Hi. I'm looking for Mr. Hill," I said.
"Oh he's not home at the moment. His wife is though," she said.
"Wife?" I asked confused.
"Yeah. Who are you?" She asked.
"I'm one of his college students. Just wanted some help on something. It's ok though. The students at the college didn't know he was married," I lied.
"Oh yes he is. For about 5 years have 4 year old son and a daughter on the way," she said as she picked up the boy in her hands.
"Awww cute," I said. "Thanks though."
"No problem," she said and I walked away.

I was furious and sad at the same time.
He really did that to his family and to me. I didn't want to mash up his family so I couldn't bear exposing him.
I quickly walked to the court and head for his office to check for him again.
"Kiara," I heard Omar say and I stopped.
"Hey," I said.
"You're angry," he said realizing my facial expression.
"Did you know coach was married. With kids!" I expressed.
"Wait what?" He said.
"Yeah. I visited his house to break up with him and that's what I was greeted with," I explained.
"I'm sorry about that," he said as he realized I was boiling with anger. "You need to calm down though."
"Don't you dare tell me to calm down," I said now turning my anger to him.
"Go ahead. Be angry. Make a fool of yourself," he said stepping aside.
I sighed and turned back and walked quickly to my room.

I thought I left all the drama back in high school. It's like it followed me here.

I walked into the apartment. I closed the door and saw Sharon sitting on the couch crying.
"Sharon?" I said. "What's wrong?"
I hurriedly rushed to her side.
"We need to talk," she said.
"Ok. Sure. No problem," I said as I sat beside her holding her hands.
She sighed loudly and I say tears fall down her cheek.
"You can talk to me," I said as I embraced her in a hug.
After releasing her she wiped away her tears and then began, "I'm sorry for abandoning you."
"That's ok. I forgive you," I assured her.
"Thanks. I messed up. I made some very stupid choices since I started college," she said and started to tear up. "Drake being number one."

I felt my heart ache. I wanted to shout out I knew this would happen. Just a big 'I told you so'. But I couldn't. She's hurting and that'll be too much.

"What happened?" I asked instead.
"Well we have been out at parties, sex, drinking, smoking. I didn't even smoke before this. Now I can't even stop," she said still in tears. "We have been in fights. He's cheated on me many many times and I just ant seem to leave him."
"Sharon. You are amazing and you deserve so much better than him," I said as I held her hands. I really needed to assure her of her worth. She really seemed she have given up.
"Am I? I don't feel like that anymore," she replied. My heart fell at her words.
"Yes you are," I said.
She looked at me for a while then said, "I still have more."
"Ok. I'm still here for you," I said.
She sighed very loudly then said very fast, "I'm pregnant!"
"What?!" I exclaimed.
I saw tears roll down her cheek.
"I'm pregnant," she said slower.
I sighed and looked at her speechless.
"Say something," she said still crying.
"I'm shocked. But you'll be fine. I'm here for you. Davian is here for you. You'll be ok," I said as I embraced her.

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