Chapter 6

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I stood at my locker talking to Sharon awaiting Davian to pass by.
"He's really mad at me," I said to her.
"If I were him, I would be too. That was really too far," she commented. I sighed.
I felt someone's hand spin me around the I felt the lips smash against mine.
I quickly pushed the person away. I looked and realized it was Tanner grinning.
"Hey babe," he said with a smirk.
"I'm not your babe. We're not together," I said slamming my locker door and pushed pass him.
I heard laughter through the corridors. I quickly walked to class and sat at the back.

I watched as others piled in and Davian walked in and sat beside Ashley not even glancing in my direction. We've never been like this ever. Since I started high school it was me and him. The two nerds until he decided to play sports, he became the jock but still my best friend. I felt my eyes water as I watched him.
After class I still sat in the classroom. I told Sharon to go have lunch without me. I just wanted to be alone.
"Hi," Jeremy Prince said sitting down beside me. Jeremy is the cutest nerd in the school. He's dark complexion, dark brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes, he's 5'3" and medium built.

"Hi," I replied turning to face him

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"Hi," I replied turning to face him.
"You're gorgeous and he's a total jerk. Don't let him get to you," he said looking me dead in the eyes. I felt chills go through my body. Yes I have a crush on this guy. He's drop dead gorgeous and he's super smart, of course I like him.
"Thanks," I said blushing.
"I mean it," he said as he held my hand. I looked up to him, my heart beating out of my chest, and smiled. "Look I know you just ended things with him, but I actually wanted to ask you out."
My eyes widened at his words.
"Ask me out?" I confirmed, making sure I wasn't hearing things.
"Yeah. On a date. You know somewhere nice," he replied with a smile. His beautiful smile that melted me.
"Y—yes," I stuttered to say as I continued to blush.
"Great. How about this Friday?" He asked.
"Sure," I answered.
"Great," he said and stood and kissed my cheek.
I watched as he left the classroom then quickly got up and made my way to find Sharon.

"Sharon!!!" I called out as I found her making out on the field with her boyfriend.
"Hey," she answered breaking away from him.
"I need to tell you something," I said with a little excitement. She hurriedly left his side and came to me.

"What's up?!" She said excitedly
"Jeremy asked me out!" I said then squealed.
"Shut up!!" She said surprised. "My baby is all grown up." My best friends know I've had a crush on the guy since forever. So this was really a big deal for me.
We continued to talk as we walked back to class.

I got home and sat on my bed still thinking about my date with Jeremy. I planned in my head what I'd wear. I started searching through my jewelry and found a necklace Davian gave me for my birthday in 8th grade. Then my mind ran back to how he'd probably be excited to know Jeremy finally asked me out. I sighed loudly and grabbed my phone and dialed him. He still didn't answer. I opened the door and ran downstairs. Realizing my parents weren't home I grabbed the keys and started down the street. I want my best friend back, no I need him back.

I walked up the driveway of his house. Which might I say is huge. His dad owns real estates across the country so he's rich.

I walked up to the door and let out a loud sigh then rang the door bell

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I walked up to the door and let out a loud sigh then rang the door bell. Within seconds their butler answered the door.
"Good evening. May I speak with Davian?" I asked.
"Is that Ms. Morgan?" I heard his mom say as she came to the door. "Sweetie I haven't seen you in a while. Come in."
"Hi Mrs. Moore," I said as I stepped in.
"You're so grown. How are things?" She asked.
"Not too bad," I answered and continued to make small talks with her.
"Oh here I am talking your ears off. Come," she said and led me upstairs. She knocked on a door. "Sweetie someone's here to see you." I stood and waited until the door opened. The minute he opened the door his face went blank.
"Hi," I said and he just walked away from the door. I stepped in. His room was actually cozy.

"I see you're still into gaming," I said remembering how he'd run home from school in grade 7 to game

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"I see you're still into gaming," I said remembering how he'd run home from school in grade 7 to game.
"Do you want something?" He said. My heart fell and I felt like crying.
"Aaaa. Yeah. My best friend," I answered as a tear fell.
"Really. You don't think I'm too much of an assh*** to be your friend?" He commented.
"I'm really sorry for what I said Davian. I was wrong.." I started but he cut me off.
"Are you? I know you meant every word," he interrupted.
"I didn't," I assured him.
"I think you did. You've pretty much questioned my actions ever since I started dating Catherine ," he said. Catherine is his ex-girlfriend and she's pretty much like Ashley.
"Because they are mean, and tramps," I shouted.
"Just like me," he said and opened his door gesturing for me to leave. I angrily stormed out of his room and down the stairs.

I walked to my house and realized my parents were home.
'And now I'm dead,' I said to myself as I opened the door.
"Where were you?" My dad shouted as I closed the door.
"I went to talk to my friend," I answered.
"Did you ask permission to leave the house. This is not like you. Which friend?" He asked.
"Davian," I whispered knowing he'd be even more mad.
"Davian! You will no longer see this Davian kid," he said angrily.
"No need, he hates me," I said sadly and ran up the stairs.

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