Chapter 12

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"Baby girl," I heard Brian's deep voice say as he shook me.
"Mhmmm," I said as sleep rocked me.
"It's almost seven," he said. I jumped up remembering I have a curfew.
"Sh**. Brian why didn't you wake me earlier?" I asked as I hurriedly pulled my clothes on.
"You looked really nice sleeping," he said as he held me and kissed me.
We don't have time to kiss now. Brian if I'm not back by 7, this will be the last kiss we ever have," I said pushing him away.
"Ok," he said and helped me get dressed. We rushed from his room and over to the campus.
"Good night," I said turning to face him as I stood at the entrance.
"Good night," he said and kissed my cheek.
"I thought you said no cheek kissing," I said as I waited for him to kiss me properly.
He spun around with a big smile and grabbed my face and kissed me passionately.

I smiled as we parted

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I smiled as we parted.
"Much better," I said and he walked away.

I turned and walked in. I looked up to see Davian watching me.
"So now you're dating college guys," he commented.
"Yeah," I answered.
He laughed.
"Next time you hook up, tell your boyfriend to bring the hickey a little lower so it's less noticeable," he whispered. I pulled the blouse up and quickly walked to my room.

"Where've you been? You just ditched me," Sharon said as I entered. We're both sharing a room.
"I went out. Sorry," I said trying to hide the hickey.
"Shut up!" Sharon exclaimed.
"What?" I asked confused.
"My baby is all grown up," she said as she jumped from the bed.
"What are talking about?" I asked trying to act clueless.
"Your first hickey," she said coming closer to me. "Shut up!"
"What now? I asked.
"You had sex with him," she said with her mouth widened.
"Yeah. How'd you know?" I asked.
"You kinda smell like sex a bit, plus you are glowing!!!" She sang. I blushed. "So how was it?"
"Hot," I replied. We talked for a bit then I showered and went to bed.

I'm woke the next morning and Sharon combed out most of the hickey and covered the remaining with makeup. I was still nervous so I wore a low black turtleneck long sleeve blouse and a short tight fitted jeans skirt with a pair of black sneakers.

I walked to the cafeteria and Sharon and I sat and ate

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I walked to the cafeteria and Sharon and I sat and ate.
"Good morning," I head Davian say and he sat beside Sharon and looked over at me.
"Good morning," I said. It was weird being around him. I've gotten so used to him ignoring me, it just get weird. We sat in silence and ate for the remainder of the breakfast.

After breakfast I sat in one corner working on my project.
"K," Davian said sitting beside me.
"Yeah," I answered turning to him.
"Look I shouldn't have blown up on you the way I did, but you really hurt me," he poured out.
"I'm to be blamed too. I should have never said those things to you. I was just angry. I don't think that about you," I replied.
"Friends?" he asked stretching out his hand and standing.
I looked at his hand.
"Best friends," I replied with a smile. I wrapped my arms around him and felt as he embraced me.

As we parted I heard him say, "now about this college boyfriend of yours

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As we parted I heard him say, "now about this college boyfriend of yours."
I folded my arms and looked at him with a questioned look.
"Too soon?" He asked running his hands through his hair.
"What about my college boyfriend?" I enquired.
"I don't know. He's... I can't quite wrap my head around it. But I don't trust him," he replied.
"You don't even know the guy," I said.
"Yeah but...," he started but I cut him off by saying, "no but. I like the guy. He makes me happy. You're just always over protective."
"Fine. You're the baby what do you expect?" He said.
"Not anymore," Sharon said as she joined us.
Davian looked at her then to me.
"No," he said with a disgusted look.
"Yes. And for your information, he was Damm good," I said and spun around making sure my braids swung to hit him.
"Our little baby has become a full blown drama queen, and fashionista might I add," Sharon commented as they joined me once more.
"Thank you," I said showing off the outfit.
"Yeah it's nice. Too short, but nice," Davian commented. I hit him on the arm and said, "shut up D."
We continued to talk and laugh. Our trio was finally back together. I was overjoyed. I really missed hanging out with Davian.

We finished our projects and I decided to hang out with Davian and Sharon this evening. I was just so happy I just didn't want to leave them.

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