Chapter 4

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I decided to wear a dress today. I pulled on a navy blue and white dress, white sneakers and silver jewelry.

I walked into class and sat waiting for my friends to share the big news

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I walked into class and sat waiting for my friends to share the big news.
"Good morning," Mr. Hill, the new math teacher said as he entered the room.
"Good morning sir," I replied. I stared at his well toned body.
"See something you like?" I heard someone say. I jumped up realizing I was starring.
"Wait what...psshhh no," I replied realizing it was Sharon.
"Hmmm," she responded and sat with me. A few seconds Davian plopped down before us.
"Oh guys I have news," I said to them.
"What news that you have the hots for Mr. Hill?" Sharon teased. I slapped her arm.
"No. Anyways. My dad say I can come with you guys," I said.
"Shut up!" She shouted.
"Shhhhh," Davian and I chorused realizing people were looking at us.
"Sorry. He seriously agreed?" She asked
"Yes. But I must be back by 3:00," I explained. We continued to talk while waiting for class to begin.
"Hey baby," Ashley butted in and sat in Davian's lap. She looked at me and kissed him.
"Hey," he replied.
"You're in a classroom. Do that on your own time," Mr. Hill shouted to them.
"Or never. You're making me sick," I whispered under my breath. Ashley turned to me.
"What'd you say?" She asked folding her arms.
"Nothing," I answered.
"Better be," she said then grabbed onto Davian. "Come on babe."
"What does he even see in her," I asked Sharon watching as they moved to their seat.
"The guy got needs honey," she replied with a laugh.

The week ran by. It was Friday afternoon. I showered and pulled on a black t-shirt, black and white plaid pants and black sneakers.

I was really nervous

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I was really nervous. Tanner will be picking me up at 4:00. I kept thinking I should just blow him off but I just wanted to experience my first date. It's not like I like the guy.
My dad dropped me off at the church and left. I walked in and sat at the back. I kept looking down at the time, shaking my leg with nervousness. At exactly 4:00pm Tanner texted to say he was outside. I got up and walked out.
"Hi," I said as I sat in the car.
"Hey. You look nice," he replied.
"Thanks. You too," I said casually.
"Thank you. Shall we go?" He asked. I nod my head and he drove off.

We pulled up at a restaurant. We got out and walked in. The place was packed with people talking and laughing. The aroma was sweet. The food smells tickled my nostrils.

We were seated close to a window and we sat across from each other

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We were seated close to a window and we sat across from each other.
Tanner and I talked the entire evening, surprisingly. We talked about ourselves, getting to know each other's likes and dislikes and hobbies. Tanner likes sports and he loves the beach, so do I. We seemed to be bonding. I ended up getting a fries and a shake. I had to do when I got home I wouldn't be too full for dinner. Tanner totally understood. It was like he was a totally different person. He was actually sweet.
"Tanner, we kinda have to go now," I said looking at the time. It as now 5:30.
"Yeah. Ok let's go," he said and we left. We drove to the church and sat in the parking lot.

"Thanks for today. It was really nice," I said.
"You're welcome. I enjoyed it too," he replied. I looked over at him and smiled and he smiled back at me. I saw him lean over towards me.
'OMG! He's gonna kiss me. I don't know how to kiss,' my head screamed as I saw him getting closer.
My heart couldn't take this.
"Thanks again," I said and opened the car door.
I felt his strong arms pull me back in and his soft lips smash against mine. 'I'm kissing!' I thought and smiled through the kiss.

"You're welcome," he said when we parted with a smile

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"You're welcome," he said when we parted with a smile. "I'll see you Monday."
"Ok," I said and quickly walked in.
I caught the end of the meeting. My dad arrived a few minutes after I arrived.

I entered my room and shut the door behind me and slid to the floor.
I touched my lips remembering how Tanner's lips felt.
"I was kissed. My freaking first kiss," I whispered to myself and smiled. "That felt great."
After reminiscing I finally got up and went to the bathroom, show and went to bed.

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