Chapter 20

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The school year was beginning. I was super happy. My last year in high school then off to college.

I decided to wear a black long sleeved blouse, blue ripped jeans and white sneakers.

My parents gave me permission to ride with Davian and Sharon to school

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My parents gave me permission to ride with Davian and Sharon to school.

"Girl I'm really excited for this year. Final year!!" Sharon shouted as we drove off.
"Me too!!" I said as Davian drove.

We pulled into school a few minutes later. We got settled and went to out first class. It was very weird seeing Tanner, Jeremy and also Drake there. I'm not in love with either of them, but I kinda miss being wanted.
I kept my head down on looking straight at the board for most of the class.

Lunch time arrived pretty quickly. I ate lunch and made my way to the rest room alone.
"Look who we have here," Ashley said as she stepped before me.
"I ain't got time for this," I said as I tried stepping around her.
"My girlfriend is speaking to you," Tanner stepped in and said.
"Girlfriend? I see you're taking up Davian's trash...ohhh and that means you're taking up mine Ashley," I sassed and pushed pass them.
I felt a pair of hands push me. I fell to the floor.
"What's your problem?" I shouted as I picked myself up from the floor.
"You're my problem," Ashley said and shoved me again. I felt anger boil up inside me. All the pain and hurt over the time just surfaced. I folded my fist and lifted it. I felt it smash against her face, next thing I know we were throwing punches at each other, even falling to the floor.
"Stop it!" I hear Mr. Hill say. I felt hands pulling me away from Ashley as I sat on top of her throwing punches. I looked at Mr. Hill. "Who started this?"
"She did. She punched me," Ashley quickly said.
"It's true sir," Tanner added. I looked around and realized there was now a crowd. I saw Davian push through the crowd.
"What the hell?" Davian said as he got to my side.
"Kiara. Principal's office," Mr. Hill said.
I pushed pass them and made my way there.

I sat in the car as we drove home thinking. My heart raced as I drove up to the house. I said my goodbyes and ran to the house.
"Kiara!" My mom shouted as I closed the door.
"Hi," I said as I spun around.
"Suspended! What's wrong with you?" My mom shouted. "You're fighting in school."
"Mom I can explain," I said.
She sighed and then said, "just go upstairs. Your dad will deal with you when he comes."
I turned and ran upstairs and changed my clothes. I was suspended for a week and Ashley not even one day. I was super angry. How can things be so unfair?
I sat in my room doing some school work for the rest of the afternoon. I heard my dad's car pull up and my heart sped up a bit.
I heard my dad come in and my mom talking. After a few minutes I heard a bang on my door. I walked to the door and opened it.
"Suspended!! Suspended!!" He shouted. I just stood there. It was sad to know my parents didn't even bother asking what happened knowing I'm not a fighter. They just yelled. After a few minutes of him yelling and me not even hearing a word, he stopped and went back downstairs. I rolled my eyes and slammed the door. I was even angrier.

The week had gone by so slowly. Being at home alone in the days with my mom checking on me every minute of the day was torturous. Davian and Sharon took great notes so they could send me the pictures so I wouldn't be behind. I finished all my assignments and even helped Sharon and Darian with a project since I had the time.

After the week of my suspension, I kept to myself and my best friends for the most part. I was back to being that boring loner I once was. I didn't mind it, I felt like me again. No trouble, no heartache and no drama.
Ashley on the other hand kept being a bit**, but I did what I normally do, ignore her.
It was definitely frustrating at times and my fist was folded to hit her many times, but I didn't. I just wanted to finish this year and graduate.

The school year was final coming to an end. One week away from graduation and then prom and we're done. I was relieved.
"Omg!!!" Sharon shouted as she ran up to me in the gym.
"What is it?" I said as I smiled at her.
"I have a date to the prom," she squealed.
"You do. That's nice," I said trying not to sound disappointed. Sharon and I decided we'd go together since we were both single. Davian however would go with his girlfriend.
"YES!!" She said.
"Who's it?" I asked trying to be supportive.
"Drake," she said softly.
"Drake. I—-why?" I said trying to make sense of why she'd be excited to go out with him after all that happened.
"I like him. I really do. I know what he did was wrong, but I forgive him. I'm giving him another chance," she explained.
"Ammm ok," I said.
"Ladies," Davian said as he joined us.
"Hey," we chorused.
We stood talking for a while then Drake came over and asked to speak with Sharon.
Davian looked at me and then whispered, "what's that all about?"
"They're dating again," I whispered back.
His raised his eyebrows and looked at me confused.
"Why?" He asked.
"She likes him," I said and sighed.
"I think you should tell her," he said.
"Who are we telling what?" Sharon said as she rejoined us.
I looked up at Davian and said, "aaahh. Nothing. I gotta go. I'll catch you guys later."
I turned and walked towards my locker.
I don't like Drake anymore, it's just that if I tell her now she's gonna be mad and think I'm jealous or whatever.

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