Chapter 17

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I turned in bed as I thought about Brian. If he was here I'd probably be in his arms being kissed by his amazing lips eight now. I sighed and rose from the bed and made my way to the bathroom.
I pulled on a white t-shirt, which I tied in the front, angle length black skirt- with a split reaching my thighs, and a pair of white sneakers.

My grandparents and mom had left to get groceries and my aunts and uncle had already gone back home

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My grandparents and mom had left to get groceries and my aunts and uncle had already gone back home. So I was alone. I ran over to Tony's house and knocked. After a few minutes he opened the door.
"Hey," he said with a smile.
"Hi. Can I come in?" I asked.
"Sure," he said as he stepped aside. I stepped in and looked around. Nothing much haven't changed since we were kids. "Looks the same right?"
I nod in agreement.
"So where are your parents?" I asked.
"Oh they went out of town for the rest of the week," he responded.
"Lucky," I replied knowing my parents would never leave me alone again.
"Yeah I guess," he said. "Come on."
He walked upstairs and I followed. He opened the door to his room.
It was dark and actually really put together. Much different from his childish room I was used to.

"I like your room," I said as I looked around

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"I like your room," I said as I looked around.
"Thanks. It's not much, but it does it's job." He replied and we both giggled.
He gave me a full tour of his room then sat on his couch. I sat beside him. I turned to him and smiled. I leaned in and kissed him. He responded well. I cupped his face I tried to eliminate the space between us. I felt his and touch my waist. He squeezed it occasionally.

I could tell he was getting in the mood

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I could tell he was getting in the mood.
I felt him suddenly stop and jump from the chair rubbing his head.
"Ahhh I can't," he commented.
I walked over to him and held his neck pulling him to me. I kissed his neck repeatedly and whispered in his ear, "why not."

I hear him moan as I kept kissing his neck, sucking it occasionally

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I hear him moan as I kept kissing his neck, sucking it occasionally.
I stopped and looked at him.
He looked at me biting his lips with lust in his eyes.
"Why are you doing this to me?" He asked.
"It's just kissing," I ensured him.
"You know kissing me like that will cause me to think of something more than a kiss," he commented.
"And?" I said in a flirty tone.
"I'm a Christian Kiara. So are you. Yes I've messed up and had sex in the past. I've quit and I want to keep it that way,"'he explained.
"Oh," I said now kinda embarrassed. "Sorry."
I hurriedly walked pass him and ran down the stairs. I heard his footsteps behind me.
"KIARA! Wait!"
I heard him shout but I didn't stop. He finally caught up to me as I got near my grandparents house and pulled me back.
"Wait," he said and I turned to him but looked to the floor. "I really like you. I'm sorry I made you feel bad. I just feel you were coming on a bit strong,"
He explained.
I looked up to him.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"How about dates. That's a good way to start right," he said.
"I can't," I replied.
"So you don't want to try. Ok," he said letting go of my arm.
"No that's not it. I did some things and my mom doesn't really trust me. So she'll never agree," I explained.
"Oh ok. What could have been so bad?" He enquired.
"Aahhhh. I'd rather not say," I replied.
"Oh ok," he said. We sat on the beach and talked for the remaining of the evening.

It's Friday night and my family and Tony's family gather at the back of my grandparents house for dinner and movie.
I decided to wear a black off the shoulder, thigh length, tight fitted dress.

We sat talking and laughing as we ate

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We sat talking and laughing as we ate. I was actually having fun.
As I listened to my grandma tell a story I felt as Tony's hand touch my thigh.
'Is he seriously touching my thigh,' I thought.
I looked over at him and he smiled as he continued to run his hands up and down.
I got up and grabbed my glass.
"I'm gonna grab some water. Want a refill?" I asked as I reached for the jug.
"Yes sweetie," my grandmother responded.
"Tony can assist me?" I asked then walked off. I got to the kitchen and set the things on the counter.
Tony followed immediately.
I turned to him and aggressively said, "what is wrong with you?"
"What do you mean," he asked confused.
"Rubbing my legs Tony. I wanna have sex and you think it's ok to rub my freaking leg," I whisper shouted.
"I didn't mean to,"'he said with a grin.
"Didn't you?" I asked folding my arms.
"No seriously I didn't. It's just cute seeing you mad," he said.
I shoved him as I entered over to the bottle. I filled the jug and walked pass him. I stopped and bent over revealing my butt to him then got up.
"Two can play that game," I said then walked back out.
After dinner we gathered over at Tony's house for movie. They had a movie theater in their house.

I sat in the back and Tony joined me.
"That was cruel. I told you it wasn't on purpose," he whispered in my ear.
"Ok," I replied. He sighed realizing I wasn't convinced.
After a few minutes he sighed again and leaned in and kiss me. I didn't stop him. I kissed him back forgetting where we were.

I finally pushed him off

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I finally pushed him off.
"Do you remember where we are?" I asked.
"They are in the movie," he said with a grin.
"You obviously don't know my mom," I said as I looked in his eyes.
"You make this so difficult," he said.
We sat here and watched the rest of the movie quietly holding hands with him occasionally kissing my hand.

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