Chapter 13

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It's been months since the camp. It's actually 1 week until summer holidays, and I was looking forward to sending as much time as I could with Brian.
Since my first time with him, we haven't had sex, but we've pretty much made out.

I rose from my bed and showered then pulled on a black long sleeved turtle neck, black plaid mini skirt, black mesh stockings, black socks and a pair of black boots.


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Yeah. I've been in black a lot lately.
I stepped from my room and walked out the door waiting until I was nearly outside to shout goodbye to my parents.
My parents were still strict and pretty much wanted to control all my outfits. However, I used the brain I have to put smart them. When I'm wearing a shorts or a cropped to I put on a big jacket, works like a charm.
I hurriedly ran to Davian's car. Oh yeah that's the next thing. I've pretty much sneak out and drive with them other than the bus. It made this so much more fun.

We pulled up at school and I got out and saw Brian on his bike at the gate. I hurriedly walked over to him.
"Hey babe," I said as I kissed him.
"Hey. So I was wondering. Wanna ditch?" He asked as held me by the waist.
I looked up to the school, Davian and Sharon had already walked in. "Sure," I said and we hoped into his bike.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he passed his college dorm.
"We're gonna have fun," he said and continued.
We pulled into the driveway of a big house some miles down. He held my hand and we walked in.
The inside of the house was smelly. Full of smoke from cigarettes lit over the entire house by guys and even girls in short skimpy clothes.
"Who's this shorty?" A man asked looking me up and down.
"This is my shorty Greg," Brian answered and we made our way upstairs. He entered a room with a bed, a table and a chair.
"So baby," he started as he took his jacket off, then his shirt. "I've been wanting you."
"What? Here?" I asked as I looked around. The place was chaotic.
"Yeah here," he said lighting a cigar. I didn't even know he smoked. I guess we really need to spend more time together.
"Aaaaa," I said as I thought about it. I really don't want to loose him like I lost Jeremy. "Ok."
"Nice," he said as he put out the cigar and came over to me.
He kissed me hungrily while exploring my body with his hands. It felt really good. I just couldn't find it in me to tell home to stop even though I felt uncomfortable. His kisses trailed to my neck. The pleasure hit me causing me to moan.

"I just love hearing that sound," he whispered. His hot breath on my skin drove me crazy and I pulled on his pants to let him know I wanted it gone.
He responded well. In seconds his pants were on the floor and I was in his arms being carried to the bed. He dropped me and came over me kissing me again. In minutes my clothes were all gone and he kissed my naked body hungrily. He definitely felt a bit rougher than the first time.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as I felt him thrust in me. I clenched his arms in pain. He didn't even stop to ask if I was ok. He just kept pounding.
After a few seconds it turned to pleasure and I was lying under him moaning uncontrollably.
He got rougher in minutes raising his body so he could get deeper.
I felt his left hand on my neck and he started choking me.
I didn't stop him, because for some sick reason I was enjoying it.
I felt him stop and I opened my eyes and looked at him. He aggressively turned me over and entered me from behind. He continued to thrust in me slapping my ass. The pleasure was building and I couldn't hold it any longer. I climaxed shaking. Soon after he did as well. We both dropped to the bed breathless. He slapped my ass again and said, "good girl."
I looked at him and smiled.
We laid there for a few minutes.
"Pack it up!" I heard from downstairs and Brian shot to his feet.
"Get up," he said and I did. We hurriedly pulled our clothes on. Before I was finished dressing the door swung open.
I starred at the person in the doorway still shocked.
"Ma'am please button your clothes," the police officer said. I did as he said and pulled on my shoes. I walked alongside Brian as we were led downstairs.
I was scared, but I kept quite.

They checked the entire house, then came back to address us.
"It's a mess in here," one of the officers said to another. "Drugs, and this seems to be a sex house."
I looked up at Brian who seemed very relaxed dispute the situation.
"You ma'am," the officer said and my attention shot to him immediately.
"Me?" I asked nervously.
"Yes you," he answered. "How old are you?" He asked.
"16," I answered.
"16? Aren't you supposed to be in school young lady?" he asked.
"Yes sir," I answered looking down to the floor.
He didn't say another word. They packed us all in a police truck and transported us to the station.

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