Chapter 15

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The warm sun on my skin, the amazing breeze caressing the hairs on my body. The cold drinks that gush down my stomach and my best friends by my side.
Aaahhhh this is the life

"Kiara! Kiara!" I heard my mom saying shaking me from my sleep.
I jumped up and sighed loudly.
"It's time to get up," she said and left.

I sighed once more then said, "of course that was a dream."
I made my way over to the bathroom and showered then pulled on a white tank top, blue- green shorts and my white crocs and socks and made my way to the kitchen.

"Good morning," I said joining my parents at the table

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"Good morning," I said joining my parents at the table.
"No," my dad said looking at my outfit.
"Dad it's summer," I said
" don't get to wear those after the stunts you've pulled," he replied.
"Dad come on," I begged
"Go and change," he repeated
"Mom?" I said looking to her.
"You heard your father," she said. I rolled my guys and got up from the table.

In minutes I returned to the table in a black oversized t-shirt and black biker shorts.

In minutes I returned to the table in a black oversized t-shirt and black biker shorts

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I stopped before sitting down, showing them the outfit to see if they approved.
"Where's the rest of the tights?" My dad asked.
"Dad!!" I exclaimed now annoyed
"Hunny it's fine," my mom said and I sat and started to eat.

After a few minutes of silence I broke it by asking, "so mom, dad, about the camp?"
"You're not going," my dad quickly said before I even got a chance to say anymore.
I get it. I messed up, but are they gonna shelter me forever.
I was dying to leave for college.
"So I'm just gonna sit here the entire summer?" I asked with an attitude.
"If needs be yes," my dad said as he got up from the table.
My mom laughed.
"No you won't," she started after looking back at my dad. "You're coming with me to grandma's."
I groaned.
"Why don't you just kill me instead," I groaned hitting my head repeatedly on the table.
"You caused this on yourself," she said and left as well.
I sighed and continued to eat. This was about to be the worst summer of my life.

My mom brought me to get my hair done.
I decided to do it in a half up half down braid.

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