Chapter 30

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After all that went down this morning I was feeling great. Davian had to go to a meeting with his dad so he left me home alone.
I wanted to surprise him when he got home so I decided I'd make him dinner.

It's was 3 pm. I showered and pulled on a black lingerie and a sheer robe that I left open.

I decided to prepare macaroni casserole and some baked chicken

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I decided to prepare macaroni casserole and some baked chicken.
I was almost finished when I heard his car pull up. After a few seconds he was inside as I was putting the last thing on the table.
"Hey," I said as I saw him. He looked up at me and but his lips. He walked over to me and kissed me. He pushed me against the fall and in seconds he was shirtless.
"I made dinner," I said between kisses.
"I can see that. But I'm hungry for something else.  That can wait," he said as he looked down at me. He continued to kiss me.

We stood there passionately and hungrily kissing

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We stood there passionately and hungrily kissing.
"Who the hell is that?" He said annoyed.
"No idea," I said. He pushed away from me and grabbed his shirt. I buttoned my robe even though it didn't hide a thing.
I heard him answer the door.
"Aunty K!" I heard a tiny voice say and I turned to see Sharon's daughter, Abigail.
"Abby!" I shouted as I lifted her. I looked up and saw Sharon and her new boyfriend Alex. "Hey." I said trying to hide behind the counter.
"Abby why don't you and daddy wait in the hall," she said and I put her down. She ran to him and they turned away. I walked to the stairs and Sharon and Davian followed.
"Something I should know?" She said as we got to the top of the stairs.
I looked over at Davian.
"We're dating," Davian said.
"Finally," she commented.
"Wait what?" I asked.
"I see how Davian always treat you and talk to you. How everything is always you. I knew he liked you. Just thought it wasn't my place to say," she explained. I laughed blushing.
"I didn't know you saw that," he said running his hands through his hair.
"Yes I did. I approve. I really should have called first. Seems like I'm interrupting something. But I really need a place to stay. Our house is in a flood prone area and the storm is hitting tomorrow I think or late tonight," she explained.
"Oh yeah. I forgot about that," I said. I looked over to Davian. I couldn't give her permission.
"You can definitely stay. You know you're always welcome," Davian said.
"Thanks you," she said. Davian showed her the room and she went and got her boyfriend and kid while I went to change.

While I pulled on my pajamas Davian walked in.
"Why'd you do that?" He said sounding angry.
"Do what?" I asked standing before him.
"She asked to stay here and you looked at me," he said.
"Yeah it's your house," I said.
"No K. Our house. Our! Meaning both of us," he said walking closer to me. I definitely blushed from his words.
"Ok. Sorry," I said.
He held my waist and pulled me to him then whispered in my ears, "I'm gonna punish you for that."
"Ok," I said and looked up at him. He was smirking. He kissed my forehead then smacked my ass then left.

I went back downstairs and joined the others for dinner. We talked and caught up.

After some time we said our goodnight and went to bed.
I changed back in to the lingerie and cuddled into bed. After a few seconds I felt someone lift the covers. I turn to see Davian.
I smiled at him and turned to face him as he cuddled beside me.

"Goodnight love," he said kissing me on my forehead

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"Goodnight love," he said kissing me on my forehead.
"Goodnight," I replied looking up at him.

A loud crash of lightning caused me to jump from my sleep. I looked back at Davian who was still sound asleep.
I got up and pulled on a bath robe and head to the kitchen. I looked at the clock and realized it was 4 am. I made myself a cup of tea and sat at the counter and sipped it.

"Why are you up?" Davian asked as he found me in the kitchen. I pointed outside and he laughed. "It's thunder and lightning."
"I know that," I said embarrassed.
"Hey I'm joking. Didn't mean to cause you to feel bad," he said as he hugged me. He sat beside me and turned to me. "I got you. Don't worry." He touched my cheek and I immediately felt better. He then pulled me in for a kiss.

"Why couldn't you have confess this from Hugh school?" I asked when we parted

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"Why couldn't you have confess this from Hugh school?" I asked when we parted.
"Why?" He asked laughing.
"Because I probably wouldn't go through all that," I said.
"I'm sorry. Probably should have. Would you have liked me?" He asked.
"I don't know," I answered. To honest, probably not. He wasn't really on my list of guys I liked back then.
We talked for a few more minutes then went back to bed.

The storm passed and we cleaned up.
Sharon and her boyfriend ended staying for a while. Their house was flooded. It was nice having my two best friends in one place again. It was just like old times.

Sharon left with her partner and daughter to visit her parents and Davian had to run some business errands.
I was home alone again. I showered and pulled on a black tank top, black biker shorts and a oversized flannel shirt.

I cleaned and straighten up the area then went upstairs

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I cleaned and straighten up the area then went upstairs.
I jumped from the bed and walked into the passage. I was almost sure I heard movement downstairs.
I slowly walked down trying to be quiet.
The door was closed, everything seemed fine.
I turned to go back upstairs but someone grab me from behind.
"Don't scream," I heard the voice say. It sounded very familiar.
I spun around. "What are you doing here?"

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