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It's been a long fucking day...

I had to help Hanji and her stupid Titan pets. She almost died if I wasn't there to push her away before she gotten eaten alive.

It's night time now, which means I can take my ass to bed...finally...
Erwin gave me a lot of paperwork yesterday, so I didn't sleep last night.

I finally reached my bedroom door when I heard screaming down the hall.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Hanji says finally in front of me. "Are you doing anything important right now?" She says out of breath.

"Shower." I said bluntly making my way inside of the room.

"Hey! Let me help you! I'll give you a bath. Besides, I need to see how your body is doing after the expedition yesterday." Hanji says with hope in her eyes.

It's not weird that Hanji gives me a bath

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It's not weird that Hanji gives me a bath. I'm used to it. It's not in a sexual way of course... she usually does this to see how my body is doing after the expeditions. I have this weird language all over my body. I have no idea what any of it means. Of course my head doesn't have the writings on it. Thank the walls for that. Hanji gets really excited to see it in all of its glory... with her weird ass...

I pointed inside of my room letting her know she can come inside and bathe me. Of course she squealed in excitement. I give her that look, telling her if she doesn't stop, I'm kicking her out.

"Sorry, sorry. But you're a very unique specimen. You're one of a kind! What's not to love about you? Anyways, let's go give you that bath! I can smell Beane's breath on you from here!" She says jokingly.

I roll my eyes following her to my bathroom...

~20 minutes later~

I finally had my bed clothes on ready to jump in my bed and call it a night, but of course Hanji started speaking again.

" So (Y/N), I was wondering if I can examine more of your body tomorrow morning. We have an off day tomorrow! I just want to test one of your arms." She says waiting for a response.

"Mhm" I say in agreement.

"GREAT!" she says joyfully. " See you tomorrow morning! Don't be late!"

She finally got out of my room. Not like I didn't want her to go, but I also like my quiet times. I walk to my bed, and as soon as I touched it... I instantly fell asleep.


I wake up to the sound of banging on my door. Must be Hanji...


I roll over to my stomach and cover my ears with my pillow... why is she always so loud?

Suddenly, I hear my door burst open. Hanji was definitely in my room as I hear her loud steps running, no... sprinting to my bed...

" LET'S GO (Y/N)!!!" she says a little too happy. She practically dragged me out of the bed. I made her stop so I can go in the bathroom and freshen up. I hate having bad breath in the morning. After I got done in the bathroom, I had my uniform on and was set to go.

"Let's get this over with...." I say softly, enough for her to hear.

"Yes, yes indeed Miss Jax" Hanji says with glee.


We finally made it to Hanji's science room/ Doctors office?.... I honestly don't know with Hanji anymore...

"Take a seat (Y/N), you know the drill!" She says winking at me. I roll my eyes and lift up my sleeve. She touched one of the writings on my arm and instantly retreated her hand like I hurt her or something.

"Ow! Why are you burning hot? " Hanji says while blowing her hand.

I gave her a confused look. "(Y/N), are you sick? Why are you burning?! That really hurt!" She says as she looks at her fingers.

"I'm fine." I say with my stoic look.

"Hmmmm, lemme check your temperature." she says as she puts her hand on my forehead. "You seem fine I guess. Oh! Maybe it's the weird language on your skin!" She says getting excited.

I look at her with a 'Duh' expression.

"Maybe it's your body's way of protecting you? It's not like I was going to hurt you though.." She says as she looks at my arm. "This writing is everywhere on you body except your head... got any ideas?" She says questioning me.

I shook my head as a 'no' "You're the doctor here Hanji." I say looking at her.

"Yeah, you're right." she says. There was an awkward silence. Then, out of the blue she says, "Welp! Duty calls! You can go back to your room now! I gotta go pee~" she says in a rush.

I nod my head making my way to Erwins office. He said he had some paperwork for me. Hopefully not too much of course.

As I'm walking to Erwins office, Petra came up to me. "Captain Jax! Hi!" She says happy to see me. I wave at her, letting her know I acknowledged her 'hello'.

"Where are you going? I'll walk you there!"

"Erwins office." I say calmly.

"Ok! Let's go!" She says with the biggest smile on her face.


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