Twenty Eight

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It's been 2 days since you disappeared. It's lunchtime as your squad sits in silence.

"Geez. What happened to you guys?"

"Leave us alone, Floch." Jean says.

"You guys, Captain Levi, Commander Erwin and Hanji.... you all look dead..."

"We're acting like this because we lost a very special person on a quick mission to clear some Titans that was nearing the wall. Thanks to Kayden..." Mikasa says as everyone glares at her.

"I'm sorry. I know you guys really hate me right now. I know this isn't the time to ask but, do any of y'all know where my brothers are?" Kayden asks looking down.

"No one gives a damn about them." Conny says still frowning at the girl.

"It's time for Eren's experiments, guys." Armin says.


—-Hanji's Pov—-

"Kayden! What the hell are you doing?!" I bark at her. "You trying to kill someone, or what?"

I was experimenting on Eren with the help of Levi and (Y/N)'s squad. Moblit was helping me out as well.

I'm not allowing Rivaille to help because I can tell he isn't mentally prepared for this. He's been in his room for the past two days. He wouldn't come out as he was always laying on (Y/N)'s side of the bed. He's totally broken. And I hate the fact that he blames everything to himself.

"Damn it, Kayden! Experiment over! Line up!"

The cadets hurriedly lined up, saluting me in the process.

"Kayden, if you keep this up, you might as well go to the MPs. I'm not tolerating your silly games." I say glaring at her.

She looks at me as she chokes on the air around her, like she literally stopped breathing for a second. Her eyes shaking in pure terror. She became pale as she starts to hesitantly back up.

I watch as the cadets looked at me in shock. Like they saw a ghost in front of me or something.

"What's going on? Why are y'all staring at me like that? Was it because of what I said?"

They don't say anything as Kayden starts screaming and sprinting the other direction like a total maniac. I feel a presence behind me as I turn around with Moblit following along.

 I feel a presence behind me as I turn around with Moblit following along

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—-(Y/N)'s Pov—-

I run past everyone, chasing the blonde girl as I caught up to her with ease. She suddenly turns around, trying to desperately punch me. I dodge, side kicking her in the ribs and pinning her to the ground.

"Hey, Kayden. Remember me?"

"How are you still alive! I saw you get eaten!" She says screaming, trying to shake me off.

"Since I recently just met you... let me tell you some things about myself." I say whispering in her ear. She shivers in fear as she watches my every move. "I'm not going down without a fight. I won't die that easily, babe. Besides, I told you that I'll kill you, remember? I keep my words."

"No! You fucking devil! Where is my brothers?!" She says shouting in my face.

"Don't worry, you'll meet them very, very soon. Now... you need to answer some questions, got it?" I say as she grits her teeth.

"Do you know Annie, Bertholdt, and Reiner?" She stops moving as she stares at me in shock. Not a single word or noise coming out of her mouth.

"Guessing by your silence, you do know them. Who sent you guys here? Why the hell are you trying to kill me?"

"I'm not answering your shitty questions! If you devils just fucking die already, everything would be better! You're fucking Satan! Get off of me!" She says getting angry.

"Guess you'll meet your brothers sooner than I thought. They didn't want to answer my questions either..."

She looked at me as her eyes got bigger, if that's even possible. "Y-you killed them?..." She says as tears poured out from her eyes.

I laugh sinisterly at the poor girl as I look her dead in the eyes.

"I know who you are..."


—-Hanji's Pov—-

"I think I'm going crazy... I thought I saw (Y/N) for a second." I say holding my head as I sadly chuckled at myself.

"That was her! You all saw it too, right?! It had to be her!" Sasha says.

"I'm not 100% sure though. Did you see how they had blood covering their body? They were chasing Kayden towards the horse stables. Don't you think we need to report this to the Military Police?" Armin asks.

"Those scaredy-cats?! As if..." Conny says crossing his arms

"Moblit. Watch the cadets. I'll check it out for myself. It's too dangerous for them to go."

He nods his head as I follow the bloody footprints leading to the stables. The only sound you could hear was the whispering of the wind as it ran through my hair. The slight crunch of the sand under my feet as I get closer to my destination.

I open the shed doors as a loud creek was made. "Damn it all. Someone needs to fix this gate." I mutter to myself.

I look down and follow the bloody footsteps again, noticing that there's also a trail of blood following closely behind it.

"What the hell?...."

The two trails led to the back gate as I was now outside again. It was leading up to a hill top as the sun was peeking over it. I look back down to see that it was only the trail of crimson red footprints that remained.

I gasp as I realized the shoes shape and size. That's definitely (Y/N)'s combat boots...

I look back up at the hill top, noticing a figure standing there. They were facing me, but not looking at me as their head was down.

Their hands were behind their back. Like they were hiding something?

"(Y/N)? Is that you? You're drenched in blood... Everyone was so worried." I say as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Don't cry, Hanji. I'm here now." She says finally looking up at me. "I'm sorry for making you guys worry. Save those tears for another day."

"What are you hiding behind your back?" I say wiping my stray tears. Silently thanking the fucking walls for bringing my favorite shorty back.

She smiles lightly. "A souvenir for beating a traitor."


She suddenly holds her bloodied hand out,

holding Kayden's decapitated head...


Me cringing at this chapter I wrote💀


Anyways!! Stay breezy😇
Love you guys! See you in the next chapter😎

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