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The next day.

—-(Y/N)'s Pov—-

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—-(Y/N)'s Pov—-

Me, Levi, and Hanji were on the training field. Waiting for the squad.

"They're going to be so happy!" Hanji says dancing a little.

"Did they really miss me that much?"

"Are you kidding?! You're practically the sexy mamma they never had! They were so sad when you 'died'." Hanji says with a smirk.

"What a bunch of wackos."

"Well those 'wackos' love you." Hanji says rolling her eyes. "Oh look! They're coming!" Hanji says shaking me with excitement.

I frown as they line up and salute with their heads down.

"Morning, Captain Levi." They say in unison, still with their heads down.

"Guys, come on. Look up and give us a proper introduction. What am I, chopped liver?" Hanji says crossing her arms.

They look up at Hanji and say, "Good morning Section Commander."

Then they look at Levi and say, "Morning Captain Levi." Then to me. "Morning Captain Jax-"

"Captain Jax's ghost!" Sasha gasps.

"No way..." Jean says with wide eyes.

"I'm scared." Conny says gulping.

I roll my eyes at the trio. "I'm alive, guys. I never died." That's when they all started to tear up. "Oh God... don't cry. This is so awkward."

"Permission to have a group hug, ma'am?!" Sasha says saluting while bawling her eyes out.

"Permission denied."

"Hug her!" Hanji yells.

"No-" They all tackled me to the ground, squeezing me really tight. But not gunna lie, it felt really good to know that people actually cared about you.

"Ew. Sasha your snot got on me!" Conny pouts.

Mikasa looks at me as I lightly wipe her tears away with my thumb. "Stop your crying." She smiles as I pat her head. "Cry babies." They laugh at my harsh words.

"Captain Jax can give me my steamed potato's!" Sasha yells, wiping her tears.

"You and your lovely food, Sasha." Armin says with a little smile plastered on his face.

"Glad you're back, Captain!" Eren says as everyone gets up.

"Mhm. I'm glad to be back, cadet."


It's lunchtime now my squad plus Hanji was sitting at a table together. Erwin wasn't here because he had commander business to attend.

"Levi! Let. Go." I bark at him.

"You. Let. Go." He barks back.

We were grabbing at the tea cup as he was trying to steal it from me.

"Levi, you aren't taking anymore 'sips' from my tea anymore. You messed that shit up last time." I say pulling the cup towards me.

"I promise I won't drink it all this time, babe. Just give me some!" He says pulling it back to his direction.

That's when an idea struck my head.

"You really want some?" I say smirking.

"Yes, please." He says still pulling on the teacup.

"Fine." I let go of the cup while he was still pulling it in his direction. Making him spill the tea all over his uniform.

He hissed in pain as he looks at his now stained clothes. "That tea was fucking hot, brat." He says glaring at me. "Now I'm all disgusting. I'll get you back, I swear."

He says leaving the lunchroom, going to get new clothes.

~5 minutes later~

Levi comes back and sits besides me again as Hanji started to speak.

"We should eat meat today."

"YES!" Sasha screams.

"We should. To celebrate (Y/N) coming back from the dead." Hanji says clapping her hands.

"Meat?" I questioned.

"Yeah, meat. It's a luxury item, but I'm pretty sure the higher ups like us get to have it every year, (Y/N). Have you not seen meat before?" Hanji questions.

"Yeah. I've seen it before."


"About 4 or 5 days ago."

"Really? What meat was it?"

"Levi's colossal sized di-"

"(Y/N)!" Levi says, slapping his hands on my mouth.

"Get that dick, captain!" Sasha shouts.

"I love you Sasha!" Hanji says cackling as she gives Sasha a high five.

"Oi! Don't tell these brats about our personal life like that!" Levi says retreating his hands as he glares at me.

"To be fair, y'all walked right into it." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"What's so funny?"

"ERWIN~!" Hanji sings.

"I got the morning papers. Let me just read it to you guys." He says holding the papers up to his face.

" 'A cadet found two teenage boys, also soldiers, in a nearby lake by wall rose. Their body's blue and purple with their faces completely burnt off. Mysterious stab wounds all over their back side as their limbs were cut off.' "

Everyone looks at me as I twirl a strand of my snowy colored hair. "That's wild."

"That's not all," Erwin says continuing. " '3 cadets found a female soldier in a fire pit by the horse sheds, with her head decapitated from her body.' "

It became silent as Erwin and everyone else stared at me.

"Do you have anything to say, Captain Jax?" Erwin says with a visible frown.

"May those poor kids rest in pieces."


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