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We start to follow the big ass Titan as we see Erwin. Eren, Historia, and Hanji was riding in the wagon. Everyone else was on a horse as me and Levi were sharing one.

"Erwin." Levi says.

"Anyone hurt?" Erwin asks.

"Yeah, Hanji took a hit."

"Doesn't look like anything too serious. You've done excellent work, all of you." Erwin says.

"I've got a whole slew of things to report, but first-"

"Anything on that Titan?" Erwin says interrupting Levi.

"It's Rod Reiss." Levi says as Erwin looks at him in shock. "Look forward to hearing your thoughts on this, Commander."

"Time's short. We can't afford to stand here and chat. Head back to the wall." Erwin says.

"You're gonna let that thing drag its fat ass all the way to Sina?" Levi asks.

"Well, more specifically, I'm letting it continue towards Orvud District." Erwin says as we start to ride towards the wall again.

"All right. Time to think." Hanji started. "First off, Lord Reiss was after the Founding Titan's power. And that power currently resides within Eren. Thing is, the Founding Titan can only be used at full potential by someone of royal blood. But then, when a royal does obtain the Founding Titans power, they suddenly take on the first King's ideology, which means they'll refuse to do anything about the Titans. Well, this certainly is a conundrum. So the first king thought this was peace, huh? I'm gunna have to go ahead and disagree with him there."

"You know, we still have the option to go back. We just need that Titan to eat me, then Reiss will become a human again. We could still have a true Founding Titan. It's possible." Eren says.

"Wait, you don't mean-" Mikasa starts before Levi interrupts.

"It's worth considering. Once Reiss turns back into a human, we could capture him, and undo the First King's brainwashing. Assuming that it can be done, it may well open a path to save humanity."

"Tell me, Eren." I say getting his attention. "If this turns out to be our best bet, are you willing to do it?"

"Yes, I am." He says determined.

"Eren, I can't let you." Mikasa says.

"Let's not forget the other option." Historia starts. "First off, the plan you're discussing is full of flaws. For one thing, it might not be possible to free my father from the First King's will. And no matter how you restrain him, if he alters everyone's memories, we're finished. And consider how much there is that we still don't know about the Founding Titan. This isn't worth the risk."

"She's right." Armin says. "It's not even guaranteed that Reiss would turn back to normal if he did eat Eren. That's just a hypothesis. No one's actually seen it happen before."

"So far, we've only been led by destructive pacifists. And if they kept the Founding Titan's powers, that's how it would stay. This is humanity's first chance to escape from them." Historia says turning towards Eren. "Eren. Your father wasn't evil. He was trying to save humanity from the First King. He stole the Founding Titan from my sister, and then he murdered my father's wife and children because he had no other choice."

"You mean..." Eren starts.

"Yeah, that's right. The doctor Jaeger I knew would have done something like that if he felt like he had to." Armin says.

"Agreed. He must've known another way. A way to save humanity without Reiss blood. And that must've been why he left you the key to the cellar." Mikasa says.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now