Thirty Two

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—-Hanji's Pov—-

It's been a week and Rivaille STILL won't tell me what he got (Y/N) for her birthday. He didn't even give me any hints.

"Come on!!! Tell me! I promise I won't say anything!" I say walking beside Levi in the mess hall.

"You'll find out when she finds out. Now stop bugging me, you fuck face." He says not looking at me.

"Come on! I told you what me and Erwin are getting her! Tell me your gift!"




"Can you-"


"Let me speak-!"


"Are you just gunna keep saying-"


"For fucks sake, Rivaille!" I say angrily.

"Why do you even care so much?" He says rolling his eyes.

"Because if your gift is better than mine, I'm literally going to cry." I say as we enter the lunchroom.

"It's definitely better than yours and Erwin's gift, but... I don't know if she'll accept it..." he says with a little frown.

"Yeah. You're a terrible gift giver."

"Tch. Piss off." He says rolling his eyes.

"Who are y'all giving gifts for?" Armin says with the squad behind him.

"Oh! (Y/N)'s birthday is about five days from now! My baby's turning 27!" I say with jazz hands.

"Shit! We gotta make some gifts!" Jean yells as he, Conny, and Sasha run through the doors.

"Let's go, Eren." Mikasa says grabbing the boys sleeve, marching through the doors.

"Mikasa, let me go! I can walk myself! I'm not an old man!" Eren says yanking his arm.

"Wait for me, guys!" Armin says, running like a cute lost puppy.

"I'm leaving." Levi says.

"Where are you going?" I questioned.

"To make sure those brats don't have a better gift." He says walking through the doors.

"Damn it all!" I say rushing to mine and Erwin's room. I burst through the door as Erwin looks at me in shock.

"What's wrong?" He says sternly.

"We need another gift! ASAP!"




Then the room just became silent. So quiet, that you could hear the cadets muffled screams through the soundproof walls.

"Pffft. Erwin, what's wrong with you?" I say laughing.

"At least you laughed." He says smiling while shrugging his shoulders.


~5 days later~
•A.K.A your birthday•

—-(Y/N)'s Pov—-

Today's my birthday.
I'm turning 27 today.
You hear the sarcasm, right?

I woke up to see Levi not in bed with me. Sus.
I also saw a pair of folded clothes on the foot of the bed. Sus.
It was quite today. Too quiet actually. The annoying birds by the window weren't even chirping their hideous song this morning. Sus.

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