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Today's the day we capture Annie, or the Female Titan if you will. We were in Shiganshina and had to go with plan 'B' because Annie transformed. Meaning, Eren is going to have to fight her himself. I was getting a little impatient because me and Levi didn't have our gear together and there was a lot of commotion going on. Eren didn't even transform yet.

Me, Erwin, and Levi were together with the Military Police.

"Nile. Deploy all troops immediately. We should assume that a Titan has already appeared." Eren says.

"Are you out of your mind? This is wall Sina! There's no way a Titan would just suddenly show up here!" Nile says in disbelief.

I look over at Jean getting out of a wagon.

"Who told you to move, Jaeger?" Waltz says.

"How 'bout this damn wig said I could, moron?" Jean says taking the wig off. Waltz stood back in shock.

"Call me Jarger again and it's your ass, you got that?" He says while running up to Erwin. "Commander! What's the plan?"

"Ask Squad Four for equipment." Erwin says.

"Sir!" Jean says while putting his green cloak on.

"Like the brass balls, but try not to swing 'em so hard they get you killed." Levi says to Jean.

"Sir." Jean says while running off.

Nile looks at Jean in shock, then looks back at Erwin. "Hold on. What the hell?"

"Commander! Here!" One of the soldiers says running up to Erwin. He placed down a case that had a set of ODM gear in it.

"Well done." Erwin says looking at it.

"Thank you, sir." The soldier said.

Erwin puts his gear on as Nile starts to speak. "Wait just a damn minute!"

"Alright! All of you with me! We're rendezvousing with the Capture squad!" Erwin says as he starts to walk.

"The hell you will! This is outright treason! I am well within my right to shoot you where you stand!" Nile says stopping him in his tracks. The Military Police soldiers were all pointing their guns at Erwin at this point.

"Think, Nile. I find it hard to believe you're actually as thick-headed as you look. You're a hair-trigger away from making the biggest mistake of your life." Levi says looking at Nile.

"Take off the gear before I shoot you!" Nile yells.

I look over to see a soldier pulling the trigger. I run up to Erwin before the bullet can hit his head. I catch the bullet mid-air as everyone looked at me in shock. I throw the bullet back at the soldier, hitting his arm. He winced in pain as he clutches his forearm.

"Watch yourself." I say glaring at him.

Then, a massive lightning strike was heard in the distance as everyone looks over. Eren finally transformed, but we were too far to actually see him.

"It's about damn time." I say looking forward.

"What now? We've got two of 'em hashing it out in the streets?" Nile says referring to Eren and Annie.

"Yes, sir. The city's collapsing like a house of cards. It's just- It's horrifying. We can only guess how many casualties." One of the soldiers say to Nile.

Nile looks and points his gun at Erwin. "Erwin! Your arrogance has brought Hell right to our door!

"I know. I acted entirely on my own authority. And I offer no excuses." Erwin says truthfully. That just made Nile even more angrier.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now