Thirty One

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Double upload! Chapter thirty was kinda short so this is like a second part of that, I guess? But this chapter is short as well because I'm busy and might not post much this week. I have tests, tests, and more tests this whole week!!!! Not cool. But I'll try to write a lil something everyday if I can.🥳


—-(Y/N)'s Pov—-

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—-(Y/N)'s Pov—-

Me and Levi was in our room, just chillin'.

"Hanji! I shout for her.

"Coming your most lugubriousness!" I hear her running down the hall to our room. "What's up?" She says entering.

"Let's get turtlenecks."

She rolled her eyes. "You lost one, didn't you?"

"I didn't loose one. I lost 4." I say putting my combat boots on.

"You know, if she looses one, she buys four more? So that means she needs 16 turtlenecks." Levi says lounging on the bed.

"I know, Rivaille." Hanji says scoffing. "You're coming with us."

"No way. I don't go clothes shopping."

"Too bad. I'm not going with her alone." Hanji says crossing her arms.

"I'm not going, shitty glasses. Get Erwin."

"But he's busy!" She says whining.

"Get Mono."

"But he's on a play date with Historia!" She pouts. "If you don't come then-"

"Then I won't kiss you anymore." I say looking at Levi.

"That's a great idea! Levi loves your lips!" She says clapping.

"That sounds wrong." I say shaking my head.

We look over to Levi as he opens his mouth, about to say something. But instead, he rushed over to the closet and put a pair of shoes on.

"Let's go, shawty!" Hanji says skipping out the door.


—-Hanji's Pov—-

Me and Levi were watching as (Y/N) and an old woman were fighting over a turtleneck.

"Let go, you old hag!" (Y/N) shouts, pulling the shirt towards her.

"Respect your elders!" The women yells as she pinched (Y/N)'s cheeks. "You already have so many!"

"This is mine! I grabbed it first!" (Y/N) says pulling it harder as the old lady does the same until the shirt finally ripped in half.

"Who's paying for that?!" The store owner says sternly.

"Since I respect my elders, she can pay for it." (Y/N) says walking out of the store with stolen turtlenecks. But I guess the store owner didn't notice.

Me and Levi walk out the store as I start to speak. "You know, (Y/N)'s birthday is about 2 weeks from now." I say to Levi. (Y/N) was already far ahead so she couldn't hear us talking.

"What? Why didn't she tell me?"

"Well, she doesn't really celebrate her birthday. She says it's just a reminder of how old she's getting, but damn! She looks like she's still a teenager. She's only turning 27. But I really want to know what's her secret on keeping such a baby face."

"I don't know what to get her though."

"Well, me and Erwin are buying her new combat boots. Limited edition! We know a guy."

"I think I know what to get her."

"Well, she does love her knives. Maybe a butterfly knife would be cool?"

"That sounds good too, actually."

"What are you going to give her, Rivaille?"

"You'll just have to wait when her birthday comes. You have too much of a big mouth." He says rolling his eyes.

"Oh come on! Just tell me!"

"Tell you what?" (Y/N) says in front of us with her bags in her hands.

"Um- Nothing! Don't worry about it!" I say waving my hands at her.

"That's some sus activity, Hanji." She says squinting her eyes at me.

"I don't even know what that means!" I say shrugging my shoulders.


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