Forty Eight

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Cute chapter with the kids❤️

—-(Y/N)'s Pov—-

It's been hours later as I was breastfeeding both the little ones. I'm so tired. Levi was sitting next to me by the bed, smiling like an idiot as he watches the babies slowly drift to sleep.

And my vagina is throbbing with pain.

Not fun. These kids really tore me up.

"Can I pick their middle names?" Hanji says smiling.

"Sure." I say returning the smile.

"Sawny and Beane!" She cheers.

"Um. No." Levi glares as I laugh.

"Yeah, I'm just messing around." Hanji says with a smirk. "I want Adonis' middle name to be Javon, and Levine's going to be Jasmine."

"Adonis Javon Ackerman, and Levine Jasmine Ackerman." Levi says raising a brow.

"I mean it's ok I guess. It could've been worse." I say, noticing the twins off in dream land.

"I'm just glad you guys agreed." Hanji claps.

"Not really." Levi says.


It's been about 6 hours later as it's now night. The nurses told me that I'll be discharged in the morning if I'm feeling better. I was still laying on the bed, naked as Adonis was still sleeping soundly on my chest, wrapped up in a small blanket for extra warmth.

"I'm not your mother, girl." I hear Levi say as I look over to see what's going on. He was sitting on the couch with his shirt off while I silently laugh at Levine struggling to try and get 'milk' from Levi's nipple. He frowns as he looks at me.

"How cute!" Hanji squeals.

"A real daddy's girl, huh?" I laugh.

"Tch. Brat." He says rolling his eyes.


~4 months later~
In yours and Levi's room: on the bed.

One thing I noticed from Adonis is that he's sorta lazy. Always quietly sleeping. He's definitely the quiet type. Snuggling up into the covers as the corner of his lip turns up, a little dimple forming as he slightly giggles in his sleep. Holding my pointer finger in his chubby baby hand.

Levine on the other hand, she's definitely our trouble maker. It's like she never went to sleep. Always up and running. She's very lively if I do say so myself.

The twins have already started teething, so I have to be extra careful when I breastfeed. Adonis almost bit my whole nipple off one time.

As Adonis was sound asleep, Levi was reading a story to Levine while she sucks on her pacifier. She was sitting on his lap, looking at the illustrations in the baby book, fully fascinated by them as I only listen.

" 'My dada is a mountain
My dada is a sea
My dada smiles again and again
I love my dada
And I know he loves me
'Cause my dada is a ray of light
That warms winters' eve
My dada is very special to me
I cannot live without my dada
As he could not live without me.' "

I roll my eyes. Levi's been trying to get the twins to say 'Dada' for a week now.

I watch as Levine takes her pacifier out of her mouth, chunking it to the ground as she bounces up and down on Levi's lap with a grin plastered on her face, flailing her arms around as she gets excited for absolutely no reason at all.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now