Forty Three

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I totally forgot to explain who Mr. Baker was at the end of the last chapter😩✌🏾

So let me summarize some things real quick lmao...


So Mr. Baker isn't an actual character on aot. I made him up😌 let's just get that cleared up.

He was from Shiganshina just like Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. His family (in the drawing.) consisted of him, his wife, and his 6 year old son. When the Titans broke through the wall 5 years ago, he wasn't at home at the time. He had work to attend to that day. (Like a butcher shop or whatever you want to imagine him working at lol.) So when he heard screams of how the Titans broke through, of course he rushed home, but low and behold...He had to watch his son and wife get eaten by a Titan. Poor guy.🤧
He was the only survivor in his family that escaped that Titan attack. So of course he was pretty lonely. You'll learn why he stole a thunder-spear later😉

The part where (Y/N) and Levi were on the roof 'making-out.' You guys were not on the same roof of Erwin's corpse. Don't worry! That's disrespectful as fuck.😅 You two followed Hanji to a different roof.

The section where (Y/N) walks into the house with Hanji and Levi following behind. You were from the Underground so you haven't physically seen inside a home before. Now... that's different with Levi because he was born and raised inside a house. You on the other hand were basically in the streets. When you finally came to the surface, (or dragged to the surface.) you were immediately rushed to headquarters. So your dorm room was basically 'home.' But of course, you thought it was luxury when you first arrived, since... you know, you was homeless your whole life.😗

Stuff about the drawing...
You guys didn't have photographs or anything like that on Paradis Island. Someone had to draw you instead. Kinda crazy cuz you would have to stay in that same exact pose for like 30 minutes to a couple of hours for you to finally get it.🙂

Even though Mr. Baker's house was basically in shambles, you still thought it was very wholesome. Extraordinary, or breathtaking if you will.🙃

Now... the vision...
So you must be wondering why (Y/N) can see things like Eren can.
Is she a Titan?... Royal Blood?...
To that I say...
I can't tell you.😐

Ok, please don't freak out!!!!
You'll learn why you can see things! I promise! But right now, I can't spoil the book. Just give it time.😁

I'm done rambling!! Hopefully you understand more! Just ask more questions if you don't understand something and I'll try to explain!😌
I was just too excited to right another chapter that I missed a whole bunch of details. That's a major 'Oof' on my part.😂
But I love love LOVE reading comments because that's like the best thing in the world to me😇 You guys are so cute🥺 I don't care if it's rude or hate comments, I'll still read them! That's like the best part after making a chapter. Reading the comments just makes me so happy because I know people are actually keeping up and reading my shit and it's just like🥺😩❤️✨💫 I love every second of it.
Anyways... I think that's about it.👍🏾


Enjoy this chapter!❤️


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