Twenty Three

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—-Levi's Pov—-

It's night time as I was in our office, doing the last bit of paperwork. (Y/N) and Mono was in the bedroom doing God knows what.

As I was finishing the last page, I hear the door creek open. I look up to see Mono in his pajamas, peeking around the corner with his big curious eyes staring at me.

"Hey, Mono." I say looking at my paper again, making sure my voice isn't too hard to the point I scare the kid into peeing his pants.

He quietly walks over to me and wraps his tiny hand around my pointer and middle finger. He still looks at me and smiles. "Hi, Revy."

"Revy? You hang with Hanji too much." I say putting him on my lap.

He giggles and says, "Eren told me you're really scary, but you aren't scary at all. If sissy loves you, then I do, too!"

I feel my heart stop beating for a second. It was like the whole world stopped moving. I look at the little guy in the eyes, feeling my gaze soften.

"Sissy loves me?"

He stops smiling and looks at me curiously. "I think so. Do you love sissy?"

Of course I love her. I just never got the chance to tell her. She means the world to me. "Yes, I do love her." I say smiling.

He smiles and says, "Promise me you'll protect her, Revy." He hugs me as I return the gesture.

"I promise."


I finished my work as I carried a sleeping Mono in my arms. I walked to the bedroom to see (Y/N) asleep on the bed. I gently placed Mono next to her.

I noticed that she still had her outside clothes on. She must be really uncomfortable.

I gently shake her, not wanting to wake Mono up.

"Baby, wake up please. You should change your clothes." I whispered softly, but loud enough to wake her. I shake her shoulder again as she didn't even budge.

She usually isn't a heavy sleeper, so I shake her again. She still didn't move as I raise a brow.

"Are you really that sleepy?"

She still didn't move as I start to panic a little. I put my ear against her chest. I hear her heartbeat, sighing in relief.

I start to kiss all over her face, as she usually wakes up from them. I look at her as she still didn't move a muscle. I frown as I kissed her lips softly. I waited for her to kiss back, but she never did. I broke off and looked at her sleeping figure.

"Guess you really are that tiered, huh?"

I walk to the closet and got some clothes for her to wear. I went back to the bed as I undressed her. I put one on my white t-shirts and black sweatpants on her. I got her dirty clothes and put them in the hamper by the closet. I put a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants on and lay next to Mono. I got comfortable as I slowly drifted into slumber.


I woke up to the sound of crying. I slowly open my eyes as the suns rays was practically blinding me.

I roll over to see Mono looking at (Y/N) with teary eyes. He was crying with sadness written all over his face as one of (Y/N)'s black blankets was wrapped around him.

"What's wrong, Mono?" I say in a deep, sleepy voice.

"S- Sissy won't w-wake up..." He says choking on his tears.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now