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We were at the old Scout Regiment Headquarters as me, Levi, and Eren were sitting at a table together.

"What's the hold up? Erwin's never late. They should be here. At this rate the damn MPs'll show up first. That'd be our luck. Yeah, who can I say? Maybe their all takin' a shit. Duty calls, right?" Levi says as he sips his tea.

Eren chuckles and says, "You're, uh, sure in a talkative mood today."

"So what if I am? Doesn't mean I was talkin' to you." He says as he finished his tea, placing the cup back on the little plate it came with.

I sip my tea as I hear a wince coming from Levi. I glance over at him with concern. He looks at me saying he's alright.

"It's my fault, sir. I made the choice. If I'd have thought this through none of this- We wouldn't-" Eren says as he couldn't find the words to speak properly.

"You made a judgment call. Look, no one expects you to be clairvoyant." Levi says before a door is heard opening. We turn our heads to see Erwin, Armin, Mikasa, and Jean.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Erwin says.

Eren gets up from his seat. "Sir." He says before gasping. "What the-? Why- why are you all here?"

"We believe we've uncovered the true identity of the Female Titan." Erwin says. Eren gasped again before Erwin spoke again. "She won't slip away this time." He says as everyone takes their seats at the table.


"The day after tomorrow, we'll be passing through Stohess District in route to the capital. That's when we strike. It'll be our first and only chance to do so. Once we've set foot in the interior, the government will assume custody of Eren, and the Scouts' authority to continue operations will be limited. Thus, unless we wish to concede defeat, we must flush out the enemy now." Erwin says. Eren nodded his head as Erwin continued. "So here's what we do. While in Stohess, we use Eren as bait, luring the target into this underground passage." Erwin said pointing to the map. "The deeper the better. Get her well beneath street level. That done, she should be easily immobilized, even in Titan form. If she transforms before reaching the tunnel,..." Erwin says looking at Eren now. "...well, at that point she'll be your responsibility, Eren."

"Right. So we know she'll be in Stohess? There's no chance she'll bolt before we get there?" Eren asked.

"No. She won't risk going AWOL." Erwin says.

"Wait, you mean she's-" Eren says pausing.

"Armin, here, identified her. She's an MP. Likely responsible for the deaths of Hanji's test subjects. And a fellow trainee in the 104th Cadet Corps." Erwin says looking at Eren sternly.

"Wha-? You can't be serious. I trained with her?" Eren says raising his voice a little.

"I'm sorry, but yes. She's one of us." Erwin says.

"No. It can't be." Eren says not believing it.

"Her name is Annie Leonhart." Erwin says.

Right as I heard her name, I got a massive headache. It felt like I was giving birth in my head.

"You think it's Annie?" Eren asks. "Where's- Where's your evidence? Tell me!" He says looking at Armin.

"Obviously the Female Titan knew what you looked like before she attacked. Plus, she reacted to my use of your 'Suicidal Maniac' nickname, something only our classmates would know. But the biggest reason I suspect her is that I have strong reason to believe she's the one who killed Sawney and Beane." Armin says looking at the table.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now