Twenty Two

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Thank you so so so so so much for reading my book✨ I LOVE YOU!!! ❤️💕
Now let me shut the fuck up and let y'all read...👴🏾👓🤏🏾


It's the next day. I was in Hanji's office, helping her clean. She was singing that one song again as I was dusting her book shelf.

"We wanted to believe there was no,
no Hell on Earth.
Worse than what we know.
But every day just seems to worsen,
We weren't prepared at all!
Now we must rise
to this occasion,
devoid of all consideration
When everyday's a waking nightmare-"

Suddenly, Hanji bumps into the bookshelf I was dusting. I trip on her coffee table as I fall on my ass. I look up and see the bookshelf fall on my left hand, earning a loud cracking noise.

"(Y/N)! I'm so sorry! You ok?-" Hanji says coming towards me.

I scrunch my face up, trying to take the heavy pain going through my whole hand. I get up and pull the bookshelf off as I brush dust from my shoulder. I look at my hand to my thumb popped out of place. Crimson red blood was oozing out of my middle finger.

"What was that loud noise?" Levi says coming through the door.

Hanji blocked him from coming towards me. She waves her hands historically in his face, trying to shoo him away.

"Nothing, Rivialle! Just go back and do your paperwork!" She says pushing him towards the door.

"I need to speak with (Y/N)-"

Hanji closed the door and locked it in his face. She grabs a first-aid kit and starts to fix up my hand.

"That really hurt." I say with a very unnoticeable pout.

"I'm really sorry! If shorty saw your hand, he would kill me!" She says cleaning the blood off. "(Y/N).......forgive me."


She abruptly pops my thumb back into place. I grit my teeth in pain.

"Ok, your middle and ring finger is definitely broken." She says grabbing bandages.

I glare at her as she pats my head.

"It wasn't so bad, (Y/N)." She says rolling her eyes.


—-Levi's Pov—-

It's lunchtime and I haven't seen (Y/N) all day. I'm starting to get lonely. She's been with Hanji, doing experiments or whatever. I arrived at the lunchroom doors as shitty glasses and (Y/N) walks out.

"Hey, (Y/N). I need to talk to you." I say lightly grabbing her hand.

She turns around and flashes me that beautiful smile of hers. "Levi, what's up?"

I feel the butterflies in my stomach as my face heats up. "I..."

"Sorry, Rivaille. I need (Y/N)" Hanji says pulling her away.

I watch as they start to walk away from me. Suddenly, (Y/N) turns around and walks up to me again.

She kissed my lips and said, "I'll be back tomorrow morning." She smiles as I nod my head.


I was in the lunchroom sitting at my regular seat as Erwin was across from me. I didn't feel like eating today, so I just drank my tea. I noticed that whenever I let (Y/N) make my tea, it tasted a whole lot better. I frown slightly as I place the teacup back on the small plate it came with.

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