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We finally arrived at Erwin's office. "Welp, this is your stop." Petra says smiling. I nod in response. She suddenly gave me a quick hug. Before I could say anything, she was already running off. I didn't think much of it.

I went in and out of Erwin's office, ignoring all of the other people in there. They are way to loud this early in the morning.

I made my way to my office. I open the door and walked to my desk.


An hour later, I finally finished my work. Lunch was in about 3 hours. I decided to go ride my horse around town.

I made my way to the stables to get my horse. He was completely pitch black, with the most prettiest mane I've ever seen. I named him 'Prince'. It really suits him well.

I opened the gate to let him out. I forgot how tall he was, our maybe I'm just really short, who knows? It took a good three minutes to finally get on him, but I wasn't complaining. I gently kick his side to tell him to move.

~2 hours later~

I came back to the stables an hour before lunch. I make sure to put Prince back, but before I did, I gave him an apple and pat his head.

I made my way back into headquarters, I smell as if I was outside my whole life. I went to my room and took a quick shower and dried off.

I put on a tan turtleneck with long sleeves , white pants, and my favorite black combat boots.

I don't really like showing my body. I already get weird looks from people. That's only because they can see the weird language on the back of my hands. I wear black gloves to cover them up.

For the last hour before lunch, I just spent my time reading one of Hanji's Titan books. Let's just say, some of those naked baby's look uglier than a motherfucker.

It was finally lunch time. I don't eat breakfast because I really have no appetite in the mornings. But then again, I'm still not that hungry.

I got my bean soup, bread, and a potato. Of course I'm not going to eat all of this, might give it to cadet Sasha later. I know she can finish this. I also didn't wanna waste any food.

I went and sat at my normal seat with Hanji on my left, Erwin on my right, and Levi in front of me. As I was eating I can feel someone staring at me. I look to my side and see Petra. Guess she finally realized that she was looking at me too long because her face turned red as she jerked her head away from my direction.

She must be sick...

"Ooooo~ (Y/N)! I think someone likes you!" Hanji whispered yelled.

I look at her confused, then she sighs.

"I think Petra likes you!" She whispered in my ear.

"I like Petra too." I said bluntly.

"No, not like friends! Romantically!" she said getting excited.

"Wow... Captain Jax finally got someone around her little finger I see." Erwin says smiling at me.

"Romance?" You ask Hanji with your emotionless face.

"Yeah! You know, love~" she sings the last part.

I shrug my shoulders while getting up with the potato and bean soup still on my plate.

"I don't believe in such a thing." I said as I walk to Sasha.

—-Hanji's Pov—-

"Erwin, did you see that? Why is she always so miserable?" I say sadly, scooting to (Y/N)'s seat to get closer to him. "I just want to see her smile, at least once..."

"It's ok Hanji, she'll find that special someone one day. It just takes time. Don't be too sad." Erwin says calmly.

"Well, if you say so. I just want her to be happy, that's all..." I say leaning my head back against the chair.

I can feel Erwin holding my hand underneath the table. "She's going to be fine, Hanji." Erwin soothes me.

I look at Erwin while he looks at me. Then we smile.

I love this man.

—-Levi's Pov—-

(Y/N) Jax. What goes on in that head of yours? I mean, I'm not much of an emotional person myself, but something about you... it makes me want to know more. Hanji and Erwin support you in everything, like their your parents. I don't think you see that though. But for some reason... I have the urge to protect you... maybe... even see you smile just one time like Hanji said. That wouldn't be too bad.

"Levi? Why are you smiling?" Hanji said looking at me.

I was smiling?...

I put my emotionless face back on, as if what she said wasn't true."What are you talking about, Shitty Glasses?" I say bluntly.

"Nothing Levi..." she says with a smile on her face. Guess she took the hint that I wasn't going to talk about it.

"Hey, Captain Jax!" Erwin said yelling across the room. "Expedition tomorrow! Make sure you wake up at the usual time, alright?"

I turn around to see her face before she leaves. Just a simple nod was made by her as she left, going to her room I assume.

—-(Y/N)'s Pov—-

It's about 1:30 pm and I honestly have nothing else to do. Maybe I could workout I guess. As I was walking back to the lunchroom to get some water, I see Jean and Eren talking smack to each other. Looks like they were about to fight.

I walk up to them, but didn't say anything. Just letting them feel the awkwardness. Then I look up, glaring at them. They didn't move out of their places.

I started getting closer to them, then that's when they finally started running away. What a bunch of pussy's...

I started walking away to my room when I heard someone calling me from behind.

"Oi, Oi, Oi... Miss Jax..." I turn around to see Captain Levi. He started walking up to me. "I need your help, some cadets got into some trouble today. I need you to watch and make sure they clean the bathrooms until it's absolutely spotless." He said staring at me with those grey eyes.

I understood and walked to the bathrooms without answering with a 'yes' or 'no'

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I understood and walked to the bathrooms without answering with a 'yes' or 'no'.

"Is it a 'yes' or what?" He said a little annoyed.

"I'm going to the bathrooms, so what do you think?" I say still walking away with my bored expression.

I can feel him still staring at me so I turn around. "Didn't you learn that staring at people is rude? I need to be your mother?" I say still having my emotionless face.

He made a 'tch' noise, but he just stood there, still staring at me.

"Are You going to help me watch the Cadet's, or watch my ass like the hungry virgin you are?" I ask watching him, still with my emotionless face. With a hint of annoyance in my voice.

I can tell he didn't think I was going to say such a thing. He looked stunned for a second. He finally walked with me to the bathrooms.

Halfway there, he finally spoke again. "You seem talkative today." He said glancing at me for a second.

"You talked to me first..." I said not looking at him.


COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now