Fifty Two

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—-(Y/N)'s Pov—-


•weeks have passed since Levi's birthday as the snow and ice melted, spring around the corner, flowers beginning to bloom•


"One more week left!" Hanji shouts in excitement. Clapping her hands like a toddler.

"Are you sure visiting Marley is a good idea?" I question her.

"Are you kidding? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Imagine all the things we'll discover! The inventions, the different cultures,-"

"The FOOD!" Sasha cuts off.

"Yes!" Hanji laughs. "And the food."

"I want to try ice cream, mama." Vee says.

"Me too." I say, nodding my head.

During the weeks of packing clothes and essentials, Hanji and Armin has been teaching us sign language.

'Why?' You might ask.

Well, Adonis is about 75% deaf. I'm talking about how he literally can't hear shit. He was born that way. But the bad news is...

That it's only getting worse as he gets older...

Onyankopon and Yelena took note of this awhile back, giving him a lovely gift called 'hearing aids'.

The permanent ones.

One of the many inventions they have in Marley.

The bad part about the hearing aids were the fact that AJ could turn them up or down, meaning that if he didn't want to listen to you, Levi, Levine, his Nana, or anyone and anything for that matter, he could crank his hearing aids so he wouldn't hear anything.

For example: He got into trouble a few days ago for not cleaning his tea he spilt on the floor. Instead of listening to Levi's lecture about cleaning after himself, he turned down his hearing aids and flipped him off.

Yeah... definitely a 'Mama's boy'...

But he was so happy that he could hear everything clearly. His face was so priceless the first time he could fully hear Levi's voice. Muttering something under the lines that 'Daddy's voice was scary.'

He even let Levine blabber on and on about her favorite 'princess bunny' stuffed animal for a whole hour, just to hear her voice.

He even let Levine blabber on and on about her favorite 'princess bunny' stuffed animal for a whole hour, just to hear her voice

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I'm still wondering why Hanji made that thing have two heads, but it's whatever.

"What should we do when we get there?" Conny questions.

"Tea." AJ quietly says.

"Good idea." Levi says. "Let's visit a tea shop."

"No, daddy." Vee says with a pout. "We go dress shopping." She smiles in excitement. "Princess daddy."

"Imagine Rivaille in a kinky maid outfit." Hanji says with a sly smirk, nudging my shoulder lightly.

"Shitty-glasses." Levi spat.

"Ooo. Daddy said a bad word, mommy." Levine says.

"You need a spanking." AJ says as Vee nods her head in agreement.

"No, I spank you. You can't spank me." Levi frowns.

"Rivaille. Don't lay a finger on my darlings." Hanji barks as Levi rolls his eyes.

"You can't do shit." Levi mutters as I watch Hanji stand up from her chair, towering over the man.

"Listen here." Hanji says with venom lacing her voice, a dark aura around her body. "You little 'ACKER'!" She teases. "I'm smart. You're dumb. I'm big. You're little. I'm right. You're wrong. And there's nothing you can do about it." She says, violently stabbing his chest with her finger.

"Sheeeeeeeesh!" Jean says as Levi glares at him. "S-sorry, captain." He stammers.

"Let's go (Y/N)." Hanji says. "We should pack some more clothes for the twins."

"What will I do?" Levi asks as the twins hold my hands while we walk with Hanji.

"You, mister." Hanji points at Levi. "You need to think about what you've done. You're on time-out."


~A week later~
•The morning of the big trip to Marley•

You woke up in your bed as the room was filled with giggles. You slowly flutter your eyes open, greeted by Levi's handsome face.

 You slowly flutter your eyes open, greeted by Levi's handsome face

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"What?" You question.

"You just look really cute when you first wake up. Your hair is all messy and everything." He says.

"Whatever." I say, rolling my eyes. "Thanks I guess."

He inched closer, about to lock your lips with his until a little hand blocked his path, looking over to meet AJ's grey-blue eyes.

"Divorce mommy, right now, daddy." He says.

"What?" Levi chuckles. Me wondering how this kid is already saying these big words.

"I can't take it anymore." AJ dramatically falls on top of me. "I'm in love with mama, and you're stealing her away from me."

Levi looks at him weirdly and says, "I'm stealing her? What are you talking about, bud?" VV sitting next to me as we watch the two boys.

"I want to marry mommy." Adonis simply says.

"I'm already married to mommy." Levi says.

"Give me your ring, papa." AJ says, taking Levi's hand.

"AJ." I laugh. "You can't marry me."

"Yes I can. I will marry you, mommy." He says, trying to pull Levi's ring off.

"Stop it, brat. She can't marry you." Levi says as he cracks a smile.

"I WILL MARRY YOU!" AJ shouts at me as I laugh at his sudden outburst.

"Can I marry you too, mommy?" Levine asks.

"No. Only me, sissy." AJ says as Levine pouts.

"You can marry me, Vee." Levi ushers.

"Mmmm." She hums, thinking of an answer. "No thank you, dada." She smiles.

"Ouch." Levi frowns.

"It's time to get ready, guys. Marley is waiting for us. Come on." I say, walking to the bathroom with Vee in my arms. The boys shortly following after.


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