Sixty Five

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•You have been warned•


—-Levi's Pov—-

Daddy?... Where's mommy...?

Why isn't she with you, daddy?...

I'm sorry... mommy will be gone for awhile...

Where is she? My sister?... Why isn't she with you?...

I'm sorry...

But you promised, Revy... You promised me that you'd protect her...

I'm sorry...

How did it happen, daddy...?

I... I did it...

You hurt mommy...?

You killed... my sister?...

I'm... sorry...


Daddy... why... would you do that to mommy?


But why, daddy?...

Why did you kill mommy...?

I'm sorry...

No... I can't do it...

I can't kill her...

My family will never forgive me for this...

"(Y/N)..." I whisper to her. "Listen to me." My voice and hand holding the blade... shaking with every word I say.

Something screaming at me to not do it, like there was no use in doing so. Screaming at me that if I do massacre my own love... I would regret it in the long run.

"Wake up... please... I can't take it anymore..."

She doesn't move. Completely numb and mindless... unfazed. Like she was simply sleeping, not even resisting me.

"Wake up, (Y/N)... please... wake up. I can't live without you. I want to raise our kids together, grow old together, even die together. Please... I need you." I desperately beg her to look at me. Wanting to see her sunny smile brighten the loud storm that corrupts my mind.

She opens her mouth, eyes still at rest as her mouth quivers, trying to speak. But she immediately grits her teeth in pain. Her eyelids moving, trying to open them as hope flowed through my body.

"Wake up! You're almost there... please. I want to see your eyes again... so... WAKE UP ALREADY, DAMMIT!" I cry, tears welling up in my eyes again. Doubt replacing that hope abruptly.

What if she can't wake up?... would this be for no reason at all...?

No... she has to wake up.

I throw my blade somewhere, caressing her face as she grunts in pain. Desperately trying to pry her eyes open. Her writings began to steam, slowly fading away as her face began to go calm. I now noticed the old and new scars that scattered over her body from all the years of war.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now