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We finally reached the bathrooms. When we open the door though, the cadets are just looking at us in shock. They were all wet. Then, Levi finally spoke...

"Oi, what the hell are y'all doing? Did you even start? It's been at least 30 minutes..." Levi says getting annoyed.

I walk in and look at the mirrors. Absolutely filthy... they didn't even do one of the most easiest jobs in here...

"Sorry sir! Sorry Miss Jax! We just got distracted..." Eren said.

"Distracted by what, brat?" Levi says.

"Well... we were having fun and playing with the mop water... Conny started it! He threw some water at me first!" Eren says while pointing at the short, buzz cut kid.

"What?! It was an accident, Eren! Jean pushed me while I was carrying the water bucket! I told you I was sorry..." Conny said while rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

That's when Jean started. "It's not my fault that you was in my way, Conny! Maybe if you moved, we wouldn't be in this situation-" I finally spoke up, cutting him off in his sentence.

"Y'all talk too much..." I say leaning against the bathroom sink with my arms crossed, looking down at my shoes. "Just clean this shit up, I'll give you three hours. If it's not clean by then, you'll have more chores tomorrow..." I say looking at them.

"But Captain Jax! Commander Erwin said we have an expedition tomorrow..." Sasha said.

"Well I suggest you better get to it, unless you want to be out all night in the dark tomorrow. That's only if you survive the expedition though. But if you do, scooping up horse shit sounds fun, yes?" I say making eye contact with her.

"N-no ma'am. We'll get busy!" That's when everyone finally started to clean. Great, I can go to my room now.

As me and Levi walked out the bathrooms, I hear squealing....

Hanji of course.

Me and Levi turn around to meet a red face Hanji. She was supper close to our faces. I step back a little.

"Hanji, you're sick." I say staring at her face before walking off.

"Wait! Come back!" She says jumping up and down.

I turned around and stood by Levi again. Hanji just kept staring at me, then Levi. It felt like we were standing there for hours...

"Four eyes, why do you keep looking at us like that?" Levi says getting annoyed by her presence.

"Y'all two are perfect!" Hanji says taking each of our hands in her own.

"Perfect? Hanji I'm tired, ok? I'm leaving, you're making no sense..." I tried to get out of her grip, but she held my hand tighter.

"No, we have to go to our meeting with Erwin anyways. The expedition is tomorrow, remember?" She says smiling at me.

"Mhm..." I say and started walking to Erwins office, with the two of them behind me.

—-Hanji's Pov—-

(Y/N) can't see it, but I can. Levi is totally into her. I can tell that every time you look him, that little pink blush comes on his face... guess I finally found Levi's weak spot to his heart. Victory goes to me~

"Hey, Levi!" I whisper so (Y/N) can't hear. For a short girl like her, she sure does walk fast. She's like 6 feet ahead of us already. Walking distance, of course.

"What?" He says looking at me.

"I see the way you look at her Levi. Find a way to get her attention." I whispered yelled.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now