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We were outside the forest as some of the soldiers were carrying the dead bodies to the wagons. I was with Erwin talking to some of my comrades.

"Almost done, sir. We estimated about five to be unrecoverable." Peer says to Erwin.

"Not even an arm or a leg?" Erwin asks him.

"Sadly, the Titans didn't leave much behind. And honestly sir, I think it would be best for the families if we didn't bring back what little there is." Peer says looking at Erwin sternly.

"We'll put them down as 'missing'." Erwin answers.

"Also, sir. Our spotters report several Titans have emerged from the forest. Fortunately, none yet seem to be headed in our direction." Peer says.

"We move out immediately. Inform the squads." Erwin says.

"Sir." Peer says as me and Erwin walks off, only to be stopped by someone yelling at us.

"No! I refuse! It's inhumane!" Dieter shouts.

"Damn you, shut up!" Peer says as me and Erwin turn towards him.

"We can't just leave 'em out here! He was there! I saw Ivan's body. He was right in front of us!" Dieter says still shouting.

"And if you didn't notice, there were Titans nearby. Go back and we could wined up dead ourselves." Peer says lowering his voice a bit.

"So if they attack, we'll fight! It's what we do, right?" Dieter yells.

"Ivan and me, we grew up in the same town together. His parents are like family to me! I can't face them again if we leave him!" Jurgen yells as well.

"Sentimental garbage!" Peer says shouting at them.

"Stop shrieking." Levi says coming from nowhere.

"Captain Levi!" Dieter says.

"If you've already confirmed his death, then there's nothing more to do." He says looking at them emotionlessly.

"Whether we have his body or not makes no difference now. He's still just as dead either way." I say looking at them with my famous stoic look.

"That's cold." Jurgen says looking at me in shock.

"Ivan and the others will be listed as missing in action. That's my decision and it's final. Now let's go." Erwin says as me and Levi follow him back to the horses.

"You heartless bastards! That's the kind of respect you show the men who gave their lives for you?" Dieter shouts from behind us.

"Unless you want to be M.I.A, I suggest you shut your mouth!" Peer says scolding him.

What more did he want me to say? It's not like I can say Ivan died heroically. I don't even know how he went out. I can't just lie to him. Yes, he died for a good cause. But there's nothing I can do but keep that in mind.


We were all riding back to the wall. I was riding with Levi as I could hear more whispers in my ear. I take one of my hands off of Levi's waist on cover one of my ears to hear it more clearly.

"(Y/N), you need to tell me what's going on. How do you keep predicting things like that? What the hell are you listening to?" Levi says as he looks over his shoulder.

'Titans are coming!~'
'Behind you!~'
'Dieter and Jurgen found Ivan's body!~'
'Their coming fast!~'

"Oh my fucking gosh. Those idiots." I say cursing under my breath.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now