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Me and Levi make our way to Hanji's room as we lean on her door frame.

"Hanji. Get moving." I said staring at her.

"Uh, right! Sorry! And our guest?" She says looking at both of us.

"He's been ready to go for awhile." Levi says talking about Pastor Nick.


We're still in Stohess District as me, Hanji, Levi, and Pastor Nick make our way to the wagon with Mikasa, Armin, and Eren waiting for us.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Took longer to prepare than I thought." She says as we take our seats.

"Captain Jax. I've been meaning to ask, why is your hair white?" Mikasa says looking at me.

"She's Ymir's disciple! Give her some respect you little-" Pastor Nick started before I interrupted.

"Will you calm down? No need for being extra." I say glancing at him with my emotionless face.

"Ymir's disciple? I heard of that before! I thought it was a myth!" Armin says smiling at me.

I shrug my shoulders and say, "His weird ass keeps acting like I'm some sort of God." I say looking at Pastor Nick.

"He's uh. He's a priest from the Order of the Walls." Armin says looking at Nick.

"I know! Ol' Nick and me are thick as thieves!" Hanji says as she side hugs the old man. She starts to laugh and say, "It's fine. Makes about as much sense for him to be here as the rest of us, don't'cha think? We're random." Hanji says while looking at me and Levi.

"No, on the contrary. Erwin's thrown us together for a reason." Levi says.

"Open the gate!" A soldier says in front of the whole crew. We're way in the back of everyone as we hear Erwin shout at the front.

"The status on Wall Rose is unclear, but everything up to Ehrmich is safe. That's the route we'll be taking. Let's move out!"

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers say in unison. All the horses in front of us move in sync, going forward.

"You heard 'em." Levi says to Moblit.

"Sir!" He says as he ushers his horse to go as our wagon starts to move.


"Wait, wait! Back up! You're joking, right? This guy knew? He knew and he kept quiet?" Eren says referring to the Titans in the walls.

"Uh-huh. Afraid so. Just about sums up where we are with him. Cat's out of the bag now, of course. He's not willing to talk yet, but we'll see how he feels after a harsh dose of reality. Faith keeps him quiet. Firsthand experience, though?" Hanji says.

"To hell with that!" Eren says standing up from his seat. "No! We're doing this backwards!" He says while looking at Nick. "If this son of a bitch knows something, he needs to come out with it! Humanity's on the brink of extinction and all you care about is keeping your oath?" After his rant, he clutched his head in pain and sat back down.

"Hey. Take it easy. You're still not fully recovered." Mikasa says holding his shoulders.

"There's more than one way to get at the truth." Levi says pointing a gun at Nick. "Granted I may not be in top form at the moment, but it doesn't take much strength to squeeze a trigger. That said. I'm genuinely hoping I won't have to blow a hole in you to settle this. How about you?"

"Threatening him doesn't seem to work, Levi." Hanji says. "Trust me on that. Agree with him or not, there's no denying our priest here is a man of principle. Which of course leads me to wonder: if he's so unwilling to talk, what in heaven's name do you imagine he's putting above the fate of humanity?"

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