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—-(Y/N)'s Pov—-

I'm on the recovery bed. I can feel my legs wrapped up in bandages.

"Hey Captain.... how are you?" Petra says coming through the door.

"I'm fine Petra, don't worry about me. How about you? Is your ankle ok?" I say finally looking at her.

"I'm alright. I gotta go back to training though. Get some rest!" She says smiling. Then that's when she left me in the room alone.

"(Y/N)! Petra told me you woke up! How are you today?" Hanji says coming to my side.

"I'm good Hanji... how long was I out for?"

"About three days! You had mud all over you! You're so cute when you sleep!" She says squishing my cheeks.

"What are you? My grandmother?" I say moving her hands away from my face.

"(Y/N), we both know you never had one of those before." She says smirking.

Damn, she didn't have to put it like that...

"Whatever Hanji..."

She laughed and said, "Sorry (Y/N), that was rude of me."

I rolled my eyes and looked at her. "It's alright I guess."

That's when she pat my head and left the room. I checked the clock and it was about 6:47pm. Dinner was over in about 33 more minutes.

Guess I can get something to eat.

I was wearing a white T-shirt, black sweatpants, and gray socks.

I put my hands in my pockets and walked to the lunchroom. It was packed with cadets. I got bread, and a potato. I sat at my normal seat with Hanji, Erwin, and Levi.

"(Y/N)!" Hanji says in shock. "You're supposed to be in bed resting!"

"I'm fine Hanji, I'm hungry. I didn't eat for three days, remember?" I say eating my food.

"But (Y/N)... are you comfortable showing your arms and neck in front of everyone?" She says whispering so only I can hear.

Fuck, I forgot about that...

I look up to see people looking and gossiping about me.

I've gotta get my ass outta here...

I got up without putting my food up. I was walking, or more like speed walking to the lunchroom doors. Then I heard someone talking...

"Hey, you see Captains arms and neck? I knew she had some weird print on her neck, but she's like, covered in it..."

"Yeah, it's even on her hands and fingers... What do you think it means? What the hell is wrong with her?"

I finally walked out the door going to my room. I couldn't talk back to them, because that only meant more attention on me.

—-Petra's Pov—-

Everyone in the lunchroom was talking about Captain Jax and her skin.

That's probably why she always wears turtlenecks, long sleeves, and gloves.

"Can y'all shut the fuck up?!" I say out of frustration. Everyone's attention is on me now. "You don't know what's going on with her! You will never understand! Y'all motherfuckers shouldn't judge anyone by their looks! It's about their personality, but your peanut brains won't ever understand that!"

"Enough! Lunchtime over! Go to your rooms!" Commander Erwin says across the whole lunchroom.

I leave the lunchroom, going to my bedroom. I hope Miss Jax is okay. She had her normal stoic look on her face, but I can tell she didn't like the attention on her.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now