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We spot Erwin on one of the tree branches. We use our ODM gear to land softly next to him.

"She's not putting much of a fight." Levi says talking to Erwin.

"There's no reason to let our guard down. Good work leading her here. I'm more than a little impressed." Erwin says still looking at her.

"We couldn't have without the rear contingent whose lives had brought us time. This belongs to them. I don't intend to ever forget that." Levi says looking at Erwin.

"That so?" Erwin asks.

"Yes." He said simply.

"Because without their sacrifices, we can expose whoever this really is." I say looking at her. For some reason she looks familiar.

"Ten to one they're in there pissing themselves right now." Levi says as he's referring to the person controlling the Titan. He drew his blades out as he was about to go towards the beast, but Erwin stopped him.

"Not quite yet, Levi. A little more insurance." He says before yelling. "Second and third waves! Fire!"

Right after he said that, more arrows were being fired. I could barely see what was going on as flying the arrows were blocking my view.

"Poor thing." Hanji started. "Can't do much as bat an eyelash, can we? Must be terribly frustrating. Get used to it, my dear. Heh. Biology can often times be a curse. Case in point, the more your wounds heal, the stiffer your joints become." She says as she starts to giggle. "Now what in the world is the hold-up on the extraction of our esteemed guest? It won't get any easier. Strike while the irons hot, I say!"

As soon as she finished her little rant, Me, Levi, and Mike use our ODM gear to strike her hands from her nape. But as soon as we got close enough to cut, I see this blue crystal like substance form on her hands. We strike down only for our blades to get shattered. I maneuver my way back to Erwin, still keeping my eyes on her. It was like some sort of protection. Like armor.

I look at her head to see Levi standing on it.

"Knock knock. We know you're in there." Levi says staring down at her. "Why don't you make this easy and come on out. Stop wasting our time. Seriously, what can you hope to gain by stalling? If you're thinking we'll let you go, we won't. If you're thinking about trying to escape, don't. All you should be thinking about are the good men you killed today. Not that you would. That's not your style, is it? Remorse. You enjoy killing. Which means we have something in common. 'Corse, I enjoy killing Titans. But it's a start. I'm sure we can find some middle ground. Oh, that's right. While we're on that subject, let me ask. You're okay with me cuttin' your limbs off at the joints, right? I mean, they'll grow back. I'm talking about your actual body. Don't want you dead just yet. Timing wouldn't work."

Then I see her mouth move. All of a sudden, she screams. Not just any scream, it sounded like a war cry.

'Their coming!~'
'The Titans are coming!~'
'A lot of them too!~'
'Get ready!~'

I hear the little whispers again. I turn to Erwin with the most serious gaze I can pull off. He feels my gaze and looks at me.

"Erwin, their coming." I say sternly.

"Who's coming?" He says concerned.

That's when Mike landed on our tree branch and said "She's right. Their coming. I can smell them." He says with the same serious face.

Erwin finally got the hint and said, "In which direction?" He said.

"From every direction. Fast. Dozens." Mike said. As if on time, we hear a whole bunch of heavy and fast footsteps coming towards us.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now