Forty Nine

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—-(Y/N)'s Pov—-

You're in your shared office alone, making Levi a birthday gift for tomorrow

I sent Levi and the twins to sleep already. My birthday gift to him is a drawing, but I'm not very good at sketching though... I'm also not terrible at it either.

I frustratedly crumble up my 50th piece of paper and threw it on the floor. I grab another sheet of paper, then got to work... AGAIN.


It's been about 30 minutes. This drawing was better than the rest. I hold it up, pleased with my creation.

"Baby?" I hear Levi as he opens the door. "What are you doing?"

"Get out!" I unintentionally shout.

"Damn girl..." He scrunched his brows together.

I tightened my lips together in a thin line. I got up and slammed the door, locking it in the process. "Hurry up and get to bed, please." I hear him say on the other side of the door.

"Mhm." I hum before hearing his footsteps fade away.

—-Levi's Pov—-

I smirk, knowing damn well she's making something for my birthday.

"Daddy?" I hear Levine whine. I briskly walk to her on the bed, snuggling next to AJ as he sleeps soundly. "Where's mommy?" She asks.

"She's coming shortly, princess." I whisper as I pull them both closely to my chest. "Go to sleep, hun."

She nods her head, lightly puffing up her cheeks, puckering her lips for a goodnight kiss.


I kiss her as she giggles, finally getting comfortable as she drifted to sleep.


It's been about an hour since I put Levine to sleep. I'm tired, but my body won't shut down without (Y/N) by my side.

I suddenly feel the bed sink behind me. I turn my head to see my love, sleepiness painted on her face as she warmly smiles at me. The light from the moon through the window, delicately kissing her gorgeous facial features as she hugs me.

"Why aren't you asleep?" She tiredly whispered.

"I was waiting for you." I hugged her, gently stroking her snowy hair. She gently placed butterfly kisses all over my face, knowing how much I loved them, and how they help me sleep as she rubs circles on my back, practically melting in her addicting touch.

My eyelids get heavier by the second as I hug her tighter, snuggling my head in the crook of her neck, finally drifting off to sleep.


I was awoken by a slight jerk in front of me as I flutter my eyes open. "(Y/N)?" I call to her. She was still asleep as her head was resting on my chest, hugging me for dear life as she had a light pout on her lips.

"I'm...sorry..." She whispers, still in dream land. "...Levi..." My eyes soften at her state. She's been getting night terrors lately, and they've been getting worst. "...Levi... are you... ok? I'm sorry..."

"Shhhh..." I say, trying to calm her down before the twins wake up. "I'm ok. I'm right here." Her lips quivers, like she was about to start crying.

"You're hurt... he hurt you..." she says.

"No one hurt me." I whisper as she finally starts to calm down, her body finally easing up a bit. "I love you." I say, gently kissing her forehead, resting my chin on her head.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now