Sixty One

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•You have been warned•


—-(Y/N)'s Pov—-

Where are they?...

Do they not hear the thousands of Colossal Titans marching towards us?...

It's not fair... Why won't the Founder let me speak to them?...

So many questions that need to be answered in a short amount of time. How is Eren going to use me if I'm sitting here, clearly not next to him?...

My thoughts are interrupted by the door bursting open with a loud bang.

—-Levi's Pov—-

We burst into the flying boat. Y/N looks at us with shock, but immediately looks relieved to see everyone.

'H-a-n-j-i?' Y/N spells out with her hands.

"I'm sorry..." I managed to say, avoiding her eyes as she shakily walked to the circular window.

I get a glimpse past her head, watching as Hanji gets set into a blaze. Free falling into the ocean as Armin screams her name.

I sit down... mentally, physically, and emotionally defeated.

"We're taking off! Hold on!" Onyankopon shouts as a single tear ran down his face. The running engine, muffling our cries.

"See you, Hanji..." I say low enough for only my ears to hear.

I look up to see Y/N's shoulders slouch down. Her legs gave out as she crashes down to her knees, using the the closed door for support.

"Dammit... come here..." I whisper to her. I struggled to get off the seat, but I managed to walk to her. Bending down as I carried her back to the seat with me. Her tears wet my shirt, little whimpers rolling off her tongue as I bring her closer to my embrace.

She didn't realize but she was tearing me apart. Her shaky breath and helpless cries wouldn't stop. It was kicking me in the ass.

"She told me to tell you... that she loves you... (Y/N)..." I tell her. She hugs me tightly, body shaking as I rub circles on her back, calming her and myself down. "She said to smile, and be happy... even if she's not here..."

"I'm sorry..." I tell her again. She crawls on my lap, with the most saddened face I've ever seen. One of the only times I've ever seen her cry as she caressed my cheeks. Kissing my forehead softly as the writings on her skin started to glow. Tears streaming down her closed eyes as she began to kiss my face all over. Confusion running throughout my body from the unexpected butterfly kisses she was leaving me. It was like she was in a rush as she kissed my lips, making it seem like it was her last time doing so.

She burst out into tears again, wrapping her arms around my neck as she desperately kissed my cheek over and over. "Why are you doing this?" I ask, knowing she wouldn't say anything back as I wrap my arms around her waist.

She looks at me, sadly smiling at me as her body began to fade, like she was disappearing...

"What's happening...?" I ask her. She frowns, a rainy storm flowing from her eyes. Her writings glowing even more as she smashes our lips together again, like it was the last time we were going to see each other.

Those were goodbye kisses...

Hugging me tight as I do the same back to her, until I couldn't even feel her anymore.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now