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"RETREAT!" Hanji says in a panic.

We never had this happen before.

Sure, we had casualties... but nothing like this. There were abnormal's everywhere. I'm not going to risk anymore of my cadets getting hurt.

Everyone was riding back to the wall. This is the first time I had an expedition failed. And believe me when I say...

I was not happy about it.


We made it back to the wall. Gotta make sure everyone is here. Mine and Levi's squad had everyone, except one...

"Where the hell is Petra?" Oluo says looking around.


"I'll be back..." I say as I turn back into the battlefield.

"Oi!" Levi yells after me. "Don't act so rash!"

I ignored him, still riding and looking for Petra, of course.


It's been about an hour and a half since I left my squad looking for Petra. I was about to head back thinking that she might have died somewhere, until I see some movement behind this big ass rock.

" that you?" I say looking behind the rock, making sure I keep my distance. Just in case it was actually a Titan.

"Captain Jax..." she says with tears in her eyes. "My ankle, it hurts... I twisted it while running to the wall. I don't know where my horse is! She ran away!" She says as she looks at me shaking.

That's when it started to rain. Great, just my luck...

"Come on, let's go before it rains too hard." I say as I help her get up. We where pretty far away from the wall, but I knew how to get back. I helped her up my horse, then got on myself.


We where riding back to the walls until my horse fucking slipped on some mud.

My horse, Petra, and of course, yours truly came tumbling down to the filthy mud. Truly disgusting...

Why today out of all the days?

Next thing you know, my horse is running away. "Come on Petra... I've gotta carry you." I say unamused.

"Are you sure Captain? I don't think you'll be able to carry me all the way back to-" before she finishes her sentence, I interrupted her.

"Petra" I say sternly. "Get on my fucking back or we will die. If you didn't notice, there are abnormals everywhere!" I say getting impatient.

"Y-yes Captain..." she says finally hopping on my back.

This is going to be a long fucking run. We're at least 30 minutes away from the wall.

Welp, I better get going.


I was running for about 25 minutes. We can finally see the wall. Thank goodness Petra was light weighted. All of a sudden, a Titan was running towards us in full speed.

"Captain! What do we do?! My gear is broken!" She says clearly freaking out.

Why didn't she tell me her gear was fucking broken earlier?

My whole body is in pain from running nonstop already. And I also had no gas left. I look back at the Titan getting closer.


Then the Titans face was right in front of us. Mouth gaping open. I can feel it's hot breath.

Before the Titan can close its mouth, swallowing us both whole, I dive to the side. I dropped Petra by accident while we fell on the muddy ground. We were covered in it, but I had no time to apologize.

I quickly ran back to the Titan before it got back up, cutting its nape with the last bit of my blade.

I ran back to Petra and picked her up bridal style. If a Titan came at this time, we will surly die. I started running again. I guess my adrenaline kicked in because I started running at an inhuman speed.

I was practically touching the wall at this point...

"OPEN THE FUCKING GATE!" Petra said looking up, then back at me. She can tell I'm clearly out of breath as I stumble on my own feet, trying to keep my balance.

——Levi's Pov——

Where is she? It's almost been two hours. No way she died. She's strong.

That's when I heard tiny screaming. I look down to see Petra in (Y/N)'s arms.

Petra looked petrified.

"Guys! Open the gate! Captain Jax found Petra!" I yell at the cadets.

As they were opening the gate, I can see another Titan in the corner of my eye. He was crawling at an unusually fast pace. Definitely an abnormal. But before I can even get down there, he jumps towards (Y/N)...

——(Y/N)'s Pov——

As that crawling Titan was in the air, I threw Petra inside the wall from the little space under the gate.

It's like they wanted me to die or something. Why is the gate going up so slowly?

Before I was in the Titans mouth, I dive out of the way again. He was really fast as I can feel my legs getting weaker.

This happened for a good amount of time. He jumps, and I moved out of the way. I can see the gate open enough for me to get threw.

"Start closing the gate!" I yell to the cadets at the top.

"But Captain-!" one of them started...

"NOW!" I say while running towards the gate.

I slid under the gate just in time before it closes fully. And also in time before that crawling Titan could grab me. As I get up, I can see Petra limping towards me.

"Captain! Are you alright? You're wobbling..." she says clearly concerned.

"Petra..." I say out of breath. "I'm clearly about to faint... and if you don't catch me in time, before I face plant in the mud..." I say before closing my eyes. "I'm going to fuck you up..." I say, finally feeling myself fall.

—--Petra's Pov——

I catch her just in time before she fell completely on the muddy ground. She risked her life saving me. She didn't even have all of her gear ready either.

I heard Conny come down from the wall looking at Captain Jax in shock.

"Hey Conny, can you take her to Hanji? She fainted and I can't walk. I twisted my ankle awhile ago." I say looking at him.

"Yeah, sure." He says finally picking her up.

"Thank you!" I said as I watch them go back to the headquarters.

I signed as I start to limp back to headquarters myself. I gotta get to Hanji too. Hopefully my ankle will be okay.

"Hey Petra! Need some help?" Oluo said coming up next to me.

"Yes, thank you!" I say as he helps me to Hanji's room.


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