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Today's the day before we capture Annie. I'm testing my ODM gear to make sure it works tomorrow.

As I was sharpening my blades, I heard the door being opened. Levi and Hanji walk in and look at me.

"What?" I say as I stand up.

"I think we've found a way to why you're like this." Hanji says with a smile on her face.


We were in Shiganshina. Hanji was leading the way as Levi was beside me. We were at the church area and walked in. Hanji led us to a room full of books as a man was looking out the window.

"Pastor Nick." Hanji says getting the mans attention. As soon as he turns around and sees me, he immediately got down on his knees bowing like I was some sort of goddess.

"Get up, lunatic." I say as I kick his head lightly.

"Yes, of course." He says getting up quickly. I look at Hanji confused as she just shrugs her shoulders. I look at Levi, but he looks just as confused as I am.

"Why'd you do that?" I say looking at this Nick character.

"To show that I'm loyal to you!" He says as he bows his head again.

"What are you talking about?" I say. He gets up and looks at me confused, then he looks at my hair.

"You don't know? I see you only awoken about 5% of your power." He says pointing to my hair.

"What power? Are you telling me my whole head is going to be white?" I say looking at him with my blunt expression.

"Well, I'm not sure what you'd look like after. But you look the total opposite of how people think you'd look like." He says going to a book shelf.

"Wow (Y/N), people talk about you." Hanji says. I nudged her shoulder lightly.

"They've been ever since Ymir died, the first Titan shifter." He says handing me a book.

"Yeah, ok. But I wasn't even alive over 100 years." I say looking at him.

"That's because she waited for the perfect person to be her disciple. Since Ymir isn't physically here, you'll be the queen." He says smiling at me.

"Her disciple? The queen? Why me?" I say looking at him.

"I couldn't tell you that. I don't know myself." He says looking down. I look at the book he gave me. I see the picture of Ymir and a lady beside her.

I point to the lady and say, "This supposed to be me?"

"Yes, exactly." He says looking at her. "Would you like me to unlock your full power?"

I was about to speak until Hanji spoke for me. "Yes! Awaken it right away!" Hanji said pushing me forward. He grabs the book out of my hands and starts to speak an unknown language. As he's talking, I feel that familiar headache come back, but ten times harder. I drop to my knees as he finished talking. I clutch my head in pain.

"(Y/N)! What the hell did you do to her?!" Levi says dropping down beside me. He hugs me tightly as I can feel the tingling sensation threw my body. I push him out of the way before I can burn him.

"It has been done!" Nick says as he looks up to the ceiling with his hands in the air. Looks like he was praying or something. I got up and punched his face, making him fly to the ground.

"That shit hurt." I say looking at him.

"I'm sorry your majesty, but that's the only way to awaken your full power." He says getting up and bowing his head towards me again.

"Stop bowing, you don't have to do that." I say as I go towards Levi.

"Your hair, it's all white now!" Hanji said smiling, messing with my hair a bit.

"Yeah..." I say as I can feel my vision get dark again. "I can't see again."

I feel Levi put his arms around my waist. As soon as he put his hands on me, my vision went back to normal.

"That's the second time you did that Levi, do you have secret powers too?" I say looking at him.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He says looking at me.

"When my vision went black, you touched me and it instantly went back to normal." I say.

"All I did was touch you." He said bluntly.

"You must've found your king already." Nick says looking at us.

"King?" Levi says looking at him.

"Awww. Is this a love story?" Hanji said looking at Nick.

"I'll let you find out yourselves." Nick says giving me the book back.

"Preciate it." I say taking the book out of his hands.


The sun was setting as we were walking back to the old Scout Regiment Headquarters, my left hand was holding Levi's as I was reading the book Pastor Nick gave me with my right. The book was all about Ymir's disciple, a.k.a me. Hanji was in front of us reading another Titan book. I was on the King section of mine.

'The queen will declare her love to her lover. He shall except her love with a kiss.
Once this great deed has been done, she will give 50% of her power to him.'

What the hell is this bullshit?

I flip the page and see the title that says '~The Kings and Queens Children~'

'If the King and Queen have children, they will not inherit their powers. They will just be normal human beings.'

That's good I guess...

I close my book and look at Levi beside me. He looks at me and smiles.

"Aw." I say as I kiss him. "Guess what handsome fellow?" I say smiling at him.

He rolled his eyes keeping his smile on his face. "What is it?"

"It says in this book that if I declare my love to my lover, I give 50% of my power to them. They'll be my king." I say smirking at him.

"Who's the king going to be?" He says looking at me.

"I haven't decided yet." I say with my stoic look. I see a flash of hurt go threw his eyes as I feel bad for teasing him. "You, obviously." I say smiling at him.

"So it's like we're getting married or something?" He asks.

"Guess so, but I'm not complaining." I smirked.


Me and Levi are in bed ready to sleep. His head is resting on my chest as I stroke his raven black hair.

"You know, your hair isn't bad. It looks good on you." He says twirling a strand between his fingers.

"Thank you. We have to wake up early tomorrow to get Annie." I said still messing with his hair.

"Yep." He says as he moves closer to my face, giving me a warm kiss. "Let's go to sleep then. Remember the plan?" Levi says hugging me.

"Of course I do." I say putting my head on his chest.

"Good." He says kissing the top of my head.

As we cuddle each other, we slowly drift off to sleep...


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