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I wake up from a lot of movement from beside me. I kept my eyes closed and started speaking.

"Levi, stop moving. You're waking me up." I say putting my head deeper in his chest.

"You were the one moving, brat." He said with a deep, sleepy voice.

Then I feel a hand messing with my hair. "Levi, stop. I'm tired." I say turning around so my back is facing him. He comes closer and hugs my waist. "You were the one messing with me." He said tiredly. "You were messing with my hair."

"No, you was messing with my hair." I say as he hugs me tighter.

"What are you talking about brat?" He whispered in my ear with his sleepy voice.

I finally open my eyes. I sit up on the bed and see Levi still with his eyes closed. I rub my eyes, still feeling a little tired. I look beside me and see Hanji smiling. She was sitting there with a crazy smile on her face.

"Hanji, were you messing with us while we were sleeping?" I say staring at her. I can feel Levi shuffle besides me. He went back to sleep hugging one of my thighs and using it as a pillow.

"Maybe." She says looking at me, then at Levi. "So, y'all seem comfortable." She says with a smirk on her face.

"He's my boyfriend now."

"What! My (Y/N) isn't single anymore?!" She says shaking me. She was shaking me so hard that it made Levi mad.

"Four-eyes. What the hell are you doing?" He says getting up from my lap and glaring at her.

"Oh right, I almost forgot. (Y/N), remember Eren right?" She says looking at me.

"Mhm." I say as Levi puts his head on my shoulder.

"Good, because he's joining yours and Levi's squad. When you were out those three days after the expedition, Levi gave Eren an epic ass whopping!" Hanji said dancing a little. "We're going to the old Scout Regiment Headquarters, for our secret planned mission beyond the walls!" She says deeply trying to sound like Erwin.

"So, we're babysitting the Titan boy?" I say looking at her.

"Well if you put it that way, then yes." She says smiling.

"Mhm, now get out Hanji. Let us get ready." Levi says pointing to the door.

"Okay! Your gear is in your office chairs!" She says finally walking threw the door.

Me and Levi goes to our shared closet and put our uniforms on. God I hate those brown boots. I throw them in the corner of our room and pull my black combat boots out instead. I put them on and went into the office. Levi was right behind me with his uniform on as well.

"You really hate those brown boots huh?" He says chuckling.

"Disgusting." I say simply.


Levi had his gear on while he was helping me with mine.

We finished and headed to the horse stables. Levi grabbed his horse and looked at me. "Don't just stand there, get your horse."

"I don't have a horse, he ran away the last expedition." I say walking up to him.

"You can ride with me." He says pecking my cheek. He got on and put his hand out to help me up. After I got on, he said, "Hold on tight."

I wrapped my arms around his stomach. "Nice abs." I say bluntly.

"Don't gas me up now." He says. I can tell he's smiling though. His ears was a bright red.

COLD 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝔼𝔻 | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now