fifty seven ↣ epilogue 2

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See, in a life time, things come and go. Lives are created and lives are destroyed. The destruction is sometimes fatal, but survivable. Now, Charlotte watched her Mother as she sat alone at the Wake of the love of her hapless life and she wished that Bert's suffering was one of those things that could be overthrown.

She went and sat closely to her Mum, reaching over and handing her the abandoned drink on the table. Her Mum kicked it back and winced, slamming it back down like it personally offended her.

"You're a bad influence." She coughed, "You shouldn't make your old Mum drink that stuff."

Charlotte managed a laugh, although a little empty. "You looked like you needed it."

She shrugged, dabbing at her lips with a napkin. It was after that she linked her arm with Charlotte's and pulled her back so they were resting against the leather backrest of the couch in the centre of the venue, allowing them to survey the room.

"How many people do you think are here for the free booze?" Her Mum asked eventually and Charlotte nudged her side, about to claim the profanities of that question, but then she saw Andrea and Kian walk in and thought, then again - I can think of two.

Charlotte regrettably left her Mum with one of Bert's relatives and made her way across the crowded space.

"What are you doing here?" Charlotte asked as she approached the two, looking around curiously.

Andrea frowned like it was a stupid, unjustified question.

"Bert was our friend, Charlotte? Or have you forgot the whole of our childhood."  Andrea scowled. Kian is standing behind Andrea, looking like the lost puppy he always has been.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, how ironic. "It was invite only."

If Andrea scowled any harder, her eyebrows would run the risk of sticking to her chin.

"Just because we don't speak any more Charlotte, does not mean that Bert just failed to exist."

Charlotte scoffs, because he did, didn't he? He failed to exist just like Charlotte did, just like Charlotte's Mum did all in the name of association with Joe.

"I would like you to leave please, Andrea." Charlotte sighed, gesturing to the door.

Andrea's eyes bugged out. Charlotte scowling under the gaze until she realised where Andrea was looking.

"It's true then." Andrea crosses her arms like she never grew up, still consumed by her childhood romance.

"What's true?" Kian finally spoke up.

"Joe and I are getting married." Charlotte finishes, beating Andrea to the punch.

Andrea gave a disbelieving laugh and looked to Kian for reassurance that she wasn't going insane.

"Is that why you came here?" Charlotte asked with venom. "I thought for a second it might have been for the free alcohol but was it just to see if my engagement ring was carved with gold and had hand-encrusted love poems on it?"

Charlotte knew where this was heading and she should stop it right now, her Mother didn't deserve this.

"You think we came here for the free alcohol?" Andrea scoffed, "Have you seen your husband-to-be yet? He's probably passed out by the bar, funerals are a blast for him, are they not?"

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